From Bill Sutter’s Desk May/Jun 2005

The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, And the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose (Isa. 35:1)

With the founding of the modern State of Israel in 1948 followed by the nation’s sustained growth and development, we have witnessed God’s promises becoming reality.

At the 2005 Yitzhak Rabin Public Service Award Dinner of the America-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC), Steven L. Friedman, the evening’s distinguished honoree, commented on “the miracle of the Israeli economy.” And AICC President Howard Joffe gave numerous illustrations of Israel’s leadership in technology.

For example, the wireless technology in laptop computers, Intel’s new Centrino mobile Technology System, was made in Israel. Israeli technology powers America Online’s Instant messenger. When a United Parcel Service truck pulls up to your home and you sign the driver’s Delivery Acquisition Device, you are using the world’s fastest package-tracking system, made by motorola in Israel. And it is the Israeli company Given Imaging Ltd., that is a leader in medical technology with its recent development of the PillCam™ Capsule Endoscopy. Patients swallow a pill containing a tiny camera that produces images of the entire digestive track, a welcome alternative to more invasive procedures.

This degree of leadership from a country raised to life from the devastation of the Holocaust a mere 57 years ago lacks adequate explanation apart from the blessings of God.

Now ranked third in patent production globally, Israel is developing technologies and products at an astounding rate. many consider Ituran, a new high-tech tracking system manufactured by an Israeli company of the same name, to be more reliable than the Global Positioning System (GPS). more companies from Israel are traded on Wall Street than any other country except the United States and Canada. These include Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., distinguished as one of the world’s largest manufacturers of generic drugs.

Agriculture is another dynamic and highly developed segment of Israel’s economy. The Israeli farmers’ achievements in rolling back the desert are recognized throughout the world. Using state-of-the-art irrigation systems and the latest in agricultural mechanization, Israel is reaping bountiful harvests and exporting them to many countries while maintaining agricultural independence.

The wide variety of crops grown throughout the year includes citrus fruits, vegetables, potatoes, melons, field crops like cotton and wheat, and a host of flowers and ornamental plants. Israel’s ministry of Agriculture reports that the most widely grown flower in Israel, both for domestic use and export, is the rose—the same flower the prophet Isaiah referred to as evidence of God’s blessing on the Jewish people.

Despite formidable obstacles, including war and terrorism, the Israelis have transformed vast areas of barren landscape into productive farmlands, forests, and viable communities.

Unfortunately, Israel’s enemies around the world are increasing their efforts to weaken her economy. They organize boycotts of Israeli products and pressure firms to stop doing business with the Jewish state. Christian supporters of Israel can help counter these destructive actions by telling stores they want to buy products from Israel. Israeli consumer goods are also available online at such sites as and

For businesspeople, opportunities abound for dealing with Israeli companies. According to Debbie Buchwald, AICC executive director, “The chamber exists to foster business contacts, trade, and investment with Israel.”

To explore such opportunities, contact the AICC at 200 South Broad Street, Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19102. AICC’s telephone number and email address are 215-790-3722, [email protected]. Or visit its Web site, Be sure to explain that you are a Christian supporter of Israel. And also mention The Friends of Israel!


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