From the Editor Jan/Feb 2016

Dear Friends,

Often, as time goes by, things need a little updating. We’ve updated the look of Israel My Glory several times during its 74 years, and we thought you might appreciate the effort if we gave it another go as the magazine nears the three-quarters of- a-century mark. So last year we hired talented graphic designer JD Lemming of Dallas, Texas, to help us.

JD is a friend of ours who knows our ministry and understands our determination to keep the content the same while refreshing the appearance. If you receive our Friends of Israel Gift Catalog, you’re familiar with his work because he designed it.

“It was a privilege and an honor,” JD told me recently, “to work on a magazine that is as good as Israel My Glory.”

We hope you’ll agree with us that Israel My Glory is now easier to read, which was one of our primary objectives. We’ve eliminated most (not all) of the colored backgrounds, changed the font and darkened it, added more white space, and brightened up our use of graphics.

It’s the same magazine we all love, but with a fresher look and more legible style.

We thought you might like to see how Israel My Glory’s appearance has changed over the years. So we’ve inserted photos of past magazine covers for a little trip down memory lane. Those of you who have been with us a long time probably remember some of these popular back issues.

God has truly blessed this ministry, taking the magazine from a small black-and-white pamphlet in the 1940s to a full-size, full-color magazine with a readership of more than half a million in more than 150 countries. We even have a German-language edition published in Germany called Israel Mein Erbe.

Although our look may change somewhat, one thing will never change: We will never stop delivering sound and vital Bible teaching concerning God, Israel, and prophecy— as you can see in this issue, “The Case for Israel: Romans 9—11.”

Today more than ever, many people fail to understand the importance of these chapters and how they fit into the apostle Paul’s teaching. In this key section, which author Mike Stallard calls “the crowning instruction of the lengthy doctrinal section of the book of Romans,” you’ll learn about the sovereignty of God, the blessedness of His grace, and the permanence of His promises.

You’ll also see clearly that Israel and the church are separate entities, and God loves them both.

As we move into 2016, we are extremely grateful to the Lord, who has shepherded this magazine for almost 75 years. And we pray He will be pleased to shepherd it, by His grace, until He returns to take His church home.

Waiting for His Appearing,
Lorna Simcox


From the Editor Jan/Feb 2016

Often, as time goes by, things need a little updating. We’ve updated the look of Israel My Glory several times during its 74 years, and we thought you might appreciate...

The God Factor

In October I read about the stealthy removal by night of the Ten Commandments monument from the grounds of the Oklahoma Capitol in Oklahoma City after the state’s Supreme Court...

The Permanence of the Promise

Some people maintain Romans 9—11 is a digression. However, as Bible scholar Thomas R. Schreiner noted, “The idea that these chapters disrupt the argument of the epistle has all but vanished today...

Vessels of Clay Romans 9:1–29

Four thousand years ago, God called Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees (southern Iraq) to the land of Canaan (Israel) and made him an awesome promise...

Mission Impossible Romans 9:30–10:21

On my first day of college many years ago, I met a Gentile who was “born again.” He presented Jesus Christ as Savior and the only way to heaven and told me...

It’s Not Over Yet Romans 11:25–36

Unfortunately, many people do not understand what the Bible teaches about Israel. God loves the Jewish people; and, according to Romans 11:25–36, His redemptive plan for them is not over yet.

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