Inside View Nov/Dec 2023

Are you familiar with the World Economic Forum (WEF)? Whether you know the name or not, you certainly are feeling its effects as we witness the growing drive toward globalization and a one-world government.

Globalization is the dream of those who believe they can end war and economic inequality by joining all nations and people under a single, united, worldwide government that controls all aspects of life. Globalists believe history is the story of constant conflicts perpetuated by power-hungry aggressors with religious and political aspirations.

While the ideal of ending war and inequality is appealing, the globalist path to world peace is troubling.

Perhaps the greatest obstacle to the brotherhood of nations is national sovereignty. Globalization demands that each nation surrender its sovereignty and submit to the control of a worldwide government. Currently, the United States, the leading world power, constitutes the biggest challenge to this objective.

The United States was built upon classic liberalism. In his Gatestone Institute article “The ‘Great Reset’: A Blueprint for Destroying Freedom, Innovation, and Prosperity,” J. B. Shurk explains that this political philosophy embraces “natural rights, limited government, free markets, political and religious freedoms, and freedom of speech” under a “just rule of law.” Progressive globalists in America aim to tear down these principles.

The globalist agenda to unite all nations under one universal government involves two strategies: (1) restrict personal freedoms and rights and (2) eliminate nationalism. The key to this plan involves securing central control of all economic activity by transferring private property to the state.

The WEF exists to carry out these goals. It engages the foremost political, economic, and cultural leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industrial agendas. Founded in 1971 by Klaus Schwab, the WEF holds an annual summit in Davos, Switzerland. There, it formulates strategies for the great reset of Western society and the transformation of free people into servants of the government by taking away property rights and liberty.

Shurk explains that the WEF’s “Great Reset” plan intends to transform Western society by handcuffing free markets with economic regulation; concentrating power into the hands of a small, international coalition; gaining control through crisis; and using fear to convince Westerners to surrender their freedom willingly. It seizes any crisis, such as climate change, health emergencies, and supply-chain problems, to further its agenda.

Ultimately, globalization is mankind’s godless solution to the world’s troubles. Globalists see themselves as saviors who will rescue the world. They reject the truth that the only way to obtain lasting peace and justice on Earth is through Jesus Christ.

Globalist objectives align with Satan’s future efforts to overthrow heaven and rule in place of the Most High God over a kingdom on Earth. To accomplish his goal, he must unite humanity under a single, worldwide government with his man, the Antichrist, ruling the world from Jerusalem. Globalization demonstrates how readily man is falling in line with Satan’s diabolical plan.

However, the Bible tells us that Satan’s one-world system is part of God’s plan for the ages to fulfill all prophecy and stamp out the rebellion of His creation (Rev. 17). God will move the hearts of the world’s political leaders to surrender their authority to the Antichrist. Globalists believe they are working for the good of mankind. But in the end, they will join Satan; and in doing so, they will serve God’s purpose.

As we see globalists gain ground in their efforts to end liberty and take away personal rights, we recognize their handiwork as a prelude to the end-times, when God will judge the rebels and end the rebellion. Our holy God will restore His creation to perfection; and believers will enjoy eternity in His presence, far from the threats of our broken world today.


Antique fountain pen on parchment.

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