Jewish World Update May/Jun 2023

Pounding Israel With Lies
(JNS)—Lying about the Jewish state is antisemitism. Here are the most prominent of those lies:

“Palestine” and “Palestinians”

The concepts of “Palestinians” and “Palestine” are political tools used to subvert, demonize, and destroy the Jews’ legal right to the land of Israel. Before the Arabs assumed the name “Palestinians” in 1964, they were simply “Arabs.” Before 1964 no concept of the “Palestinian nation” existed.

The Indigenous People of the Land

After their Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites established their first commonwealth. They named the land after their forefather Jacob, whose name God changed to “Israel,” meaning “a struggle with God.”

One of the Israelite tribes named its part of the land “Judea.” The land is also referred to as “Zion,” a biblical name for Jerusalem, from which the term “Zionism” was born.

Jews have been living in the land of Israel for close to 4,000 years, though for 2,000 years they were not a sovereign entity. The Arabs invaded the land of Israel and occupied it for 451 years without ever forming any sovereign entity. Clearly, Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel.

Israel Commits Genocide Against Arabs

Approximately 156,000 Arabs lived in Israel in 1948, comprising about 19 percent of the population. In 2001, the Arab population was 1.2 million, remaining at 19 percent. Moreover, the Israeli Arab population increases by 3.4 percent each year.

Genocide does not increase the population of its targeted group. Accusing Israel of committing genocide against its Arabs, as the Nazis did to the Jews, is a dangerous blood libel.

Israel Occupies Arab Lands

Israel’s detractors refer to the land the Jewish state liberated during the 1967 Six-Day War—Judea and Samaria—as “occupied territory.” Even the Gaza Strip, from which Israel unilaterally withdrew, is ludicrously described as “occupied.”

Before Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War, governance of these lands was split between Egypt, which occupied Gaza, and Jordan, which occupied Judea and Samaria.

Thus, Israel is not “occupying” any land that it “conquered” from a sovereign country. Israel has territorial claims to the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The hostile Arab population of Judea and Samaria is still squatting on Israeli land and enjoying the huge concessions Israel has made to them.

Israel Is an Apartheid State

Apartheid is the system of racial segregation and discrimination practiced for decades in South Africa. Despite the claim that Israel is an apartheid state, all Israelis enjoy the same human rights; and Israel has no system of racial segregation and discrimination.

The Wrong Terminology

So long as Israelis, Jews, pro-Israel activists, misguided politicians, and the media wrongly use terms like West Bank instead of Judea and Samaria; Palestinians and Palestine instead of Arabs and Arabs living in Israel; or East Jerusalem instead of simply Jerusalem, there will never be peace in the region.

Because of the systemic subversion of Israel as a sovereign state through these lies, the attacks on Israel and Jews will grow, producing an ongoing worldwide tidal wave of anti-Israel extremism and antisemitism.

This is the Jews’ history. It is fact. It is unchangeable. If we do not defend it, it will be stolen away from us, if it has not been stolen already.

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