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They stormed the Church of the Nativity and held nuns and priests hostage. Are these peacemakers? What is the truth behind the Muslim-Christian alliance?
Lucifer, “the anointed cherub that covereth,” became the evil “god of this age”—the enemy of Jehovah. Learn what happened and why?
Satan’s dominion may be invisible. But if you know where to look, you’ll be astounded to see how much he controls . . . and how he controls it.
As if one evil being weren’t enough, the Bible teaches that in the last days, there will be three—a pseudotrinity—that will take over the world.
If you think Satan appears like the caricatures of him, with horns and a red tail, think again. More often than not, he appears as the “noblest” among us.
Many are born into spiritual bondage, and are held back in life above most others. This is apparently only happening to some, not everyone. When I hear the term “Alien disclosure”, I immediately think of what I have experienced in life. Some would definitely call it an “Alien invasion”, but not in the way the world pushes it, such as physical beings with big eyes in physical UFOs etc.
From as far back as I have memory, I remember this other part of me oppressing me, even when I was very young. Often with awful nightmares, and OCD behavior that would severely stress me out. At a young age, It also stopped allowing me to sleep well. The lack of sleep drained me of energy, it made focusing and concentration next to impossible.
I started skipping school and getting into trouble, and later group homes and fostercare.
Because of these things my confidence was destroyed, and then the extreme anxiety started and has continued to plauge me my entire life.
Now that I’m older (mid 30’s) these same issues hold me back from doing the things I set out to do.
So there seems to have been separatation between myself and this other person within me, and since then, things are on another level of difficulty.
If I do not submit to his will, he will make things much worse for me. I’m at his mercy. If I make an effort to fight against him, he will cause me to suffer in various ways.
He has the ability to cause me to make audible outbursts, forget things, push extreme agitation on me, as well as any other emotion he desires. All the while he antagonizes me slowly to torture me, and cause me to lash out at him with anger. Then he will punish me for that too.
My life is for the most part a living hell, I have a family, so I feel trapped. If it weren’t for my family I almost certainly would’ve taken my own life by now. This isn’t some feel sorry for me boo hoo nonsense, it’s just the reality of my life.
When you live with problems like this, it’s no wonder at all hearing of others checking themselves out.
I’m not giving up all hope as long as I have say in it. However, I understand what scripture says regarding these things, that some of us would be cast into prison by “the devil” at his own will. It also says many would be put to death. And that the body is the temple, and that a new “king” would set up shop inside.
This is one of those times where I would ask you to please listen and consider, because what I’m saying here is true.
I know there are others like myself, many have likely reached out to you by now, I would imagine some have.. I’m sure you’ve heard from all flavors of us kooks in your days. Some of us understand, and others do not.
I’m willing to share my experiences with you or anyone else freely. Who knows, perhaps we can learn things from each other. I desperately searched out answers for many years, trying to find a way out of this mental prison.
Because of this, I have spent much time studying scripture etc.. I have learned many things. Unfortunately, the knowledge I now have does not bring me freedom. But of course, being able to better understand life and the human psyche does help in some regards.
I praise Abba Father for giving you the ability to clearly explain the satanic trinity. I have been blessed to read this, and I speak blessings to you, in Y’shua’s Name, for such good work.
CS Lewis was a devout Catholic who believed you didnt have to trust in Christ to go to Heaven.
You’re wrong on both counts. CS Lewis was Anglican, and he did believe that you had to trust Christ to go to heaven. Don’t slander other Christians or you will fall into the ministry of the Accuser.
Very good description of the satanic trinity and the end times. I hope I can make this clear to my family members who have walked away from God. Also those who are born again but never read the word of God.