David M. Levy

Steadfast in Unity

We live in a changing, decaying, unraveling world. A general increase in lawlessness and crime, government regulations, high taxes, poor education, and a…

The Christian’s Walk

The writers of Scripture often used the word walk to describe the Christian’s conduct or manner of life. The apostle Paul instructed Christians to…

The Invaders

The ancient historian Josephus identified Magog as the area inhabited by the Scythian tribes, a nomadic people in the mountainous region north of the Black and Caspian Seas…

No Weapon Formed

The threat to Israel’s survival has existed for millennia. Jewish people often stand before their history in sober silence, so stunned by the unmitigated brutality…

One Thing I Do

Professional athletes devote their lives to the pursuit of a prize. They focus all their efforts on reaching their goals, putting aside all distractions…

Paul’s Testimony

Contending for the faith is not easy. It’s an unpopular, perilous, thankless job. It is more pleasant to be an appeaser than an opposer…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Was Jesus Impeccable?

Theologians hold two positions on the nature of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness (Mt. 4:1–11). One position teaches…

Words of Warning

Life is full of warnings. The Internet, TV, and billboards bombard us regularly with warnings, telling us what to think, believe, and do…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

What Is the Key of David?

The “key of the house of David” or “key of David” is mentioned only twice in the Bible (Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3:7). Possessing the key…

Paul’s Partners

The apostle Paul personally discipled several committed men who partnered with him in spreading the gospel. Most of them came to salvation in Christ during…

God’s Holy Mishkan

God’s revelation concerning the Israelites’ Tabernacle covers 50 chapters in the Old Testament, while His revelation about the creation of the world…

Patterning Christlikeness

Many godly men and women in the Bible serve as examples for us of how to live for Christ. They trusted God’s…

The Mind of Christ

In Philippians 2:3–4, Paul admonished Christians to live in spiritual unity with one another. Nothing was to be done within the church through selfish ambition…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: What Is a Biblical Mystery?

A mystery is something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. It has a secret quality whose meaning is…

Spiritual Unity

The 6th-century BC Greek storyteller Aesop, whose oral tales compose the famous Aesop’s Fables, has been credited with the origin of the…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Does God Really Know Me?

The answer to the title’s question is an unequivocal yes! God is omniscient and knows everything about your life…

To Live is Christ

An old martyr once told his executioners, “You take a life from me that I cannot keep and bestow a life upon me that I cannot lose…”

Behind the Book

Reading the book of Esther is like reading a novel filled with suspense. Chock-full of intrigue, heroism, pathos, and deception, it holds your attention from beginning to end…


King Solomon wrote, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He [God] turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1)…

Rejoicing in Christ

If anyone had a reason to ask, “Why me?” it was the apostle Paul. No one who followed Christ suffered more for the gospel than he did…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

God is Omniscient

Omniscience means having complete and unlimited knowledge and understanding of all things. No one fits this description but God…

Paul’s Joy

Several years ago, we received a Thanksgiving Day card titled “Blessed and Grateful.” The sender wrote, “We hope your celebration of God’s blessings is…

When Everything Went Wrong

When people think of King Solomon, they usually recall his great wisdom and the magnificent Jewish Temple he built…

The Beginning of the End

God is not to be trifled with. He warned Israel’s kings not to worship other gods, and He meant it. Because He knows the end…

Paul’s Final Words

Place yourself in the apostle Paul’s sandals: You are in a dungeon awaiting execution, knowing your fellow workers face great persecution from Roman officials…

The Child and the Seed

It has been said the key to all Messianic prophecy hangs at the Bible’s front door and was given by God to that “old serpent, the Devil…”

The Continuing Conflict

Satan’s goal is to rule the world instead of God and have all humanity worship him (Isa. 14:12–14). Consequently, he has tried…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Is An Overcomer?

People in sports know the name Nike. It’s a popular brand of footwear and gear identified by its logo: the swoosh…

Paul’s Personal Word

If we had written the apostle Paul’s last words, we might have chosen to conclude his final epistle with a testimony to his victorious, faithful ministry…

Paul’s Triumphant Testimony

Are you prepared to die? The last words a person utters or writes when death is imminent are usually of great importance…

When Peace Fills the Earth

People often ask, “Will there ever be peace on Earth?” Yes, there will be when Jesus the Messiah returns…

Preach God’s Word!

Knowing his life would soon end, the apostle Paul fixed his attention on completing his letter to young Timothy, his protégé and son in the faith…

Four Important Words

In explaining that we consider Scripture the ultimate authority for life, we often use the phrase verbal, plenary inspiration. The apostle Paul said…

God’s Guarantee to Us

One of the many Scriptures Sunday school teachers encourage their students to memorize is 2 Timothy 3:16. It is God’s guarantee to us that…

Facing Perilous Times

In many of his epistles, the apostle Paul warned churches that in the last days, charlatans will emerge teaching erroneous, deceptive doctrines that cause…

Perilous Times Predicted

People who serve Satan may not realize what they are doing. But if they distort, oppose, twist, or deny the true gospel…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Is Satan?

Satan is not mythological. He is a real being who truly exists in the world (Job 1:6) and whose name means “accuser” or “adversary.” He possesses the attributes of…

Faithful in Service

What is the church? Many people think of it solely as a building—sometimes a great and majestic cathedral and sometimes an unadorned, small, simple structure…

The Lord’s Servant

Confronting false teaching is not easy, particularly for a young minister. But it is necessary, as the apostle Paul explained to his protégé Timothy…

How to Walk With God

Someone has aptly said, “Counting time is not nearly as important as making time count!” No one can stop the clock of history. It ticks with exactness through each…

Our Purpose for Living

What is the ultimate purpose for a Christian’s use of spiritual gifts? The apostle Peter stated it succinctly: “That in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ…

Remain Committed

The Christian life is not a sprint to the finish line. It’s a marathon. It requires faithful endurance from beginning to end; and to live it, we must draw on…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: Who Created Evil?

Horrible things happen in life, and some people blame God. God said through the prophet Isaiah, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil…

The Future-Teller

A peculiar industry has been growing in America. It generates $2 billion in revenue a year and employs roughly 85,000 people who are primarily mediums, astrologers, palm readers, and fortune-tellers…

Cyrus, ‘My Shepherd’

Bible scholar Harold Willmington once wrote, “Bible prophecy is simply history written in advance!” In the case of Cyrus, king of ancient Medo-Persia, God wrote the…

Stand Strong in Christ

A concert violinist once was asked, “How did you become such a skilled violinist?” The musician replied, “By planned neglect. I planned to neglect everything that was…”

What God Told Isaiah

More than any other time of year, Christmas is when people talk about Jesus’ birth. You would think that after 2,000 years, Jesus’ miraculous conception would be…

For Unto Us A Child Is Born

Isaiah 7:14 is not the only Hebrew Scripture that ascribes deity to Israel’s Messiah. Isaiah 9:6–7 is another well-known prophecy…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: What Is the Law of Christ?

In the final week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, a scribe (lawyer) asked Him a question: “Teacher, which is the great commandment…

Courageous for Christ

Eighty percent of the people around the world today being persecuted for their faith are Christians. Many live under the constant threat of violence…

Life Under the Sun Eccl. 1-3

How do we find meaning in life? That is a question people around the world ask themselves. Even Israel’s King Solomon, the wisest, richest man who ever lived, asked it…

Steadfast in Service

Timothy was a young leader in the Ephesian church when the apostle Paul wrote the epistle of 2 Timothy to encourage his “son” in the faith…

Thankful for Everything

Memory is a wonderful gift from God. Some people say the human mind can store as many as 600 memories a second…

Elisha: God’s Miracle Man

Elijah and Elisha were among Israel’s most important prophets. Some people confuse them, but they were extremely different men…

Important Events & Miracles

God performed 28 miracles through Elisha that affected people, prophecy, and politics and are recorded in the book of 2 Kings…

Disciplining the Disorderly

A church is like a family. All members need love, and sometimes someone needs discipline. This fact was especially…

Icon of an open Bible. The Berean Box.

Q: What Does Romans 8:28 Mean?

Many Christians are confused about the apostle Paul’s statement, “And we know that all things work together for good…

Life After This Life

Few subjects pique our interest more than the afterlife. What happens to us when we die? Many people speculate they’ll have a more fulfilling existence beyond…

Standing Secure in Christ

False teaching had shaken the Thessalonians’ faith. It had persuaded them they were living in the Day of the Lord…

A Misled Generation

It’s encouraging to know that before the Antichrist even appears on the world scene, his ultimate demise and destiny in the Lake of Fire are certain. When Christ returns to Earth, He will destroy this man of sin…

What Heathenism Wrought

Without any announcement, the prophet Elijah appeared in Israel and boldly confronted his generation with a strong warning from God…

Israel’s Evil Kings

The northern kingdom was plagued with evil kings, beginning with Jeroboam (931–910 BC), who intentionally caused Israel to sin by erecting golden calves…