
News Digest — 8/16/19

Following news that Israel’s Ministry of the Interior decided to bar entry to U.S. lawmakers Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib over their support for anti-Israel activities, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued…

News Digest — 8/15/19

Israel is considering reversing its decision to allow U.S. Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar into the country after all, News 12 reported Thursday (15th). Two weeks ago…

News Digest — 8/14/19

To the sounds of shofar-blasts and the cheering of hundreds of Israelis who came to celebrate with them, 242 new immigrants stepped off a Nefesh B’Nefesh chartered El Al flight in…

News Digest — 8/13/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to fly to Ukraine for a two-day visit  next week, his office confirmed Sunday (11th). In Kiev, Netanyahu will meet Ukrainian President Voldodymyr Zelensky and visit the…

News Digest — 8/12/19

Islamic Jihad and Hamas threatened increased violence on Sunday (11th) after a day of riots on the Temple Mount left four police officers and several Muslims and Jews injured. Police were forced to storm…

“There is No Peace!”

Isaiah’s statement resounds as loudly today as it did when he announced it in his day, “There is no peace,” says my God, “to the wicked” (Isaiah 57:21)…

News Digest — 8/9/19

The Waqf called on Muslims to pray in the Mosques on the Temple Mount during the Jewish holiday of Tisha B’Av on Sunday (11th), to prevent Jews from going up there to…

News Digest — 8/8/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also serves as Defense Minister, said on Thursday (8th), “This morning we were informed about a harsh stabbing attack.  The security forces are currently in pursuit to apprehend…

News Digest — 8/7/19

Sources in the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday (6th) that Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz, speaking during a closed-door session of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said that Israel was involved in a…

News Digest — 8/6/19

Iran has increased its funding to Hamas to the tune of $30 million per month in exchange for intelligence on Israeli missile capabilities. The major increase of funding, up from $100 million per year, came following a…

News Digest — 8/5/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi expressed their mutual appreciation on Twitter Sunday (4th), celebrating the strong ties between the two nations. The online greetings were triggered…

“For Them My Soul Weeps”

From 1933 to 1945 at least 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazi perpetrators. From killing fields to the mechanized death camps, Jews and others under the heel of Nazism perished. Amazingly, some survived…

News Digest — 8/2/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to confirm on Thursday (1st) that Israel was behind a reported missile attack earlier in the day in the Quneitra region in Syria. “We’re defending ourselves at all times…

News Digest — 8/1/19

An IDF officer and two soldiers were wounded early Thursday morning (1st) after a terrorist from the Gaza Strip breached the security fence into Israel and fired at the forces.  The troops responded by shooting…

News Digest — 7/31/19

Jason Greenblatt, an envoy for the Trump administration, accused Tehran of ‘exploiting’ the Arab-Israeli conflict for decades, saying the Islamic Republic has been “profiting” from the violence. In a tweet Wednesday…

News Digest — 7/30/19

Israel “carried out an airstrike earlier this month against an Iranian rockets depot” in Iraq, according to Asharq Al-Awsat, an Arabic international newspaper headquartered in London. According to the newspaper, the rockets depot…

News Digest — 7/29/19

Prime Minister/Defense Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday (28th) delivered remarks at the start of the cabinet meeting regarding the successful tests of the Arrow 3 defense system in Alaska. “In recent weeks…

Congratulations, Mr. Prime Minister!

On Saturday, July 20, 2019 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu became Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister. He displaced founding Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion who served Israel…

News Digest — 7/26/19

Six Iranians fighting for the Syrian regime were among those killed in reported Israeli missile strikes in southern Syria this week, a war monitor said Thursday (25th). Israeli missiles targeted…

News Digest — 7/25/19

Palestinian Authority official daily newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida described the season following the Jewish fast day of the 17th of Tammuz as “the most dangerous season of Judaization,” Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported…

News Digest — 7/24/19

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) on Wednesday morning (24th) launched an attack of the Tel al-Hara area in the Dara’a district in southern Syria, Syrian sources reported. Syria’s official SANA news reported that the…

News Digest — 7/23/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu interviewed by Boaz Bismuth and Amnon Lord: →Asked about how he views the period since he first became prime minister in 1996, Benjamin Netanyahu said…

News Digest — 7/22/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become Israel’s longest-serving prime minister. Netanyahu, 69, on Saturday (20th) surpassed the number of days as prime minister held by…

Shaping the Future

During his 2016 Presidential Campaign, then candidate Donald Trump made moving the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem part of his platform. For over 25 years successive presidents refused to move…

News Digest — 7/19/19

It is time that the world understands the gravity of the threat posed by Iran and its proxy Hezbollah and acts against them, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday (18th), after Argentina designated Hezbollah…

News Digest — 7/18/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Israel’s position in the world, the Iranian regime, and more, in an exclusive interview published on Thursday (18th) in Israel Hayom, the country’s largest daily…

News Digest — 7/17/19

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said on Tuesday (16th) in Tehran that Iran continues to reduce its commitments under the 2015 nuclear agreement and decried the European signatories as “arrogant” for criticizing Iran…

News Digest — 7/16/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned a European Union response on Monday (15th) to Iran’s breaches of nuclear limitations, saying it recalled failed diplomacy with Nazi Germany ahead of World War Two…

News Digest — 7/15/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the threats of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting Sunday (14th)…

Exhibit A!

I call Psalm 120 the Psalm of Modern Israel. It begins with a request, “Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue.” He calls for action against these lies…

News Digest — 7/12/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised Wednesday (10th) that a Likud government would never uproot any community in Israel again, even in the framework of a peace agreement. Speaking at an event celebrating…

News Digest — 7/11/19

British MP Boris Johnson, considered a frontrunner to replace resigning Prime Minister Theresa May at the helm of the Conservative Party, says that he is a “passionate Zionist” and that…

News Digest — 7/10/19

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a strong rebuke to Iran on Tuesday (9th), standing in front of an F-35 stealth fighter during a tour of an air base. Netanyahu declared that Iran…

News Digest — 7/5/19

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has “finally published” its monthly financial spending records for the first five months of 2019, said Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), an Israeli rsearch institute that…

Serving Where They Can

While living in the Netherlands, Raymond and Mirjam Reijnen served as full time fire fighters. Now living in Israel since March 25, 2018, the married couple assist as volunteers on their kibbutz…

News Digest — 7/3/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman attended the U.S. Independence Day celebration at the International Convention Center in Jerusalem Tuesday evening (2nd)…

News Digest — 7/2/19

Iran has followed through on its threat to breach a central limit of its nuclear deal with major powers, accumulating more enriched uranium than allowed under the accord, the International Atomic Energy Agency…

News Digest — 7/1/19

Israel Hayom editor in Chief Boaz Bismuth greeted Prime Minister Netanyahu Thursday night (27th) at the inaugural Israel Hayom Forum on US-Israel Relations in Jerusalem…

News Digest—06/28/19

Israel Hayom editor in Chief Boaz Bismuth greeted Prime Minister Netanyahu Thursday night (27th) at the inaugural Israel Hayom Forum on US-Israel Relations in Jerusalem. In his opening statements…

Barn Owls to the Rescue

Israel values environmental awareness in many areas, including farming. Some had problems with rodents in their fields. Thanks to the work of ornithology professor Yossi Leshem of Tel Aviv…

News Digest — 6/27/19

Senior Israeli officials believe that Russia has been disrupting civilian aircraft navigation systems for the past three weeks, according to reports released Thursday morning (17th).  Army Radio called the…

News Digest — 6/26/19

U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton said on Tuesday (25th) in Jerusalem that President Donald Trump is open to real negotiations and “all that Iran needs to do is walk through that open door.” Bolton…

News Digest — 6/25/19

Israel announced early Tuesday (25th) that it was halting transfer of fuel to the Gaza Strip’s only power plant until further notice.  The decision was a response to a surge in incendiary balloons launched from…

News Digest — 6/24/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday (23rd) pledged that Israel will listen “fairly and openly” to the U.S. peace proposals, and was sorry that the Palestinians are not willing to do even that…

A Serendipitous Find!

So many archaeological discoveries in Israel happen unexpectedly, accidentally. That is what happened recently when Israel Defense Forces (IDF) paratroopers unearthed a watchtower from the…

News Digest — 6/21/19

U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday night (20th) urged Iran to come to the table to hold talks in a message conveyed through Oman, and warned that a U.S. strike against the Islamic…

News Digest — 6/20/19

Israel fears that simmering tensions between the US and Iran will boil over into its neighborhood, reports say, pointing to the unusual circumstance of the Security Cabinet meeting twice this week

News Digest — 6/19/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also serves as Israel’s Defense Minister, met with IDF commanders during an army training exercise in northern Israel Wednesday morning (19th). During his visit, Netanyahu…

News Digest — 6/17/19

Israeli troops came under Hamas fire in the Gaza Strip on Sunday night (16th), just hours after Qatar delivered $15 million to the coastal enclave.  Another $10 million, earmarked for the purchase of fuel for the Gaza…

News Digest — 6/14/19

The IAF attacked several targets in the Gaza Strip during the early hours of Friday (14th), in response to a rocket that was fired from the coastal enclave Thursday night (13th) that hit a yeshiva and synagogue in Sderot…

The Risk-taking Imam

French Imam Hassen Chalghoumi takes an active role in promoting peace and improving relations between Muslims and Jews. “A central figure and founder of the Conference of Imams,” he is currently…

News Digest — 6/13/19

Israel fighter jets struck an underground terrorist infrastructure belonging to Hamas in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday night (12th).  The attack was in response to rocket fire from Gaza earlier that night…

News Digest — 6/12/19

Syria is accusing Israel of launching a missile attack early Wednesday morning (12th) into Syrian territory and says that Syrian air defenses “downed a number of missiles.” The missile-firing took place at 2: a.m…

News Digest — 6/11/19

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu fired back at Iran on Monday (10th) after its foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed the Israeli leader had threatened to destroy his country…

News Digest — 6/10/19

The Palestinians said on Sunday (9th) that they are planning a “popular uprising” later this month to protest US President Donald Trump’s upcoming plan for peace in the Middle East…

With Love, From South Korea

At Bar-Ilan University, 30 South Korean students have come to immerse themselves in the land of the Bible and see for themselves the places where the biblical events took place…

News Digest — 6/7/19

Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, is celebrated seven weeks after Passover.  Although Shavuot began as an ancient grain harvest festival, the holiday has been identified since biblical times with the giving of the Torah…

News Digest — 6/6/19

Residents of the Jewish town of Itamar in Samaria have been unable to stop a fire that has raged since Wednesday (5th) according to news reports. Roughly 1,700 acres of farmland and pastures have been burned…

News Digest — 6/5/19

One person was hurt Wednesday morning (5th) in a stabbing attack in the central Israeli city of Ramat Hasharon.  The 46-year-old victim sustained wounds to his upper body and was taken to Beilinson Hospital…

News Digest — 6/4/19

Nechama Rivlin, wife of President Reuven Rivlin, and first lady of Israel, died on Tuesday (4th) at the age of 73, a day before her birthday.  She suffered from lung disease in recent years, and passed away…

News Digest — 6/3/19

Tens of thousands of Israel supporters gathered in Manhattan on Sunday (2nd) for the 55th annual Celebrate Israel Parade – the largest celebration of Israel in the world. Beginning on Fifth Avenue and 57th Street…

Young Israel Philharmonic

Twice a year, in the summer and winter, the young Israel Philharmonic Orchestra plays to a packed out crowd in three of Israel’s largest cities. The Young Israel Philharmonic is made up of 123 young musicians…

News Digest — 5/31/19

“Jerusalem Day,” or “Jerusalem Reunification Day,” is an officially recognized national holiday in Israel which enjoys broad acceptance in the country.  It commemorates the liberation and reunification of Jerusalem…

Israel Election 2.0

Ben Sales in The Times of Israel examines the basic issues of why Israel, for the first time, will have a second election. The new election is scheduled for September…

News Digest — 5/30/19

Israel’s Knesset members voted Wednesday night (29th) to dissolve parliament, barely a month after the swearing in of the new assembly, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to strike a coalition deal with…

News Digest — 5/29/19

Israel’s military liaison to the Palestinians announced Wednesday (29th) that Israel was reducing the fishing zone off the coast of the Gaza Strip by a third, to just 10 nautical miles, in response to a rash of balloons…

News Digest — 5/28/19

Israel struck a Syrian missile battery after it launched a missile at one of its fighter jets in Israeli airspace on Monday (27th, the IDF said.  The missile landed in Syrian territory after missing the target…

News Digest — 5/24/19

Israeli firefighters battled brush fires along the Gaza boundary, as well as near the country’s main international airport and outside Jerusalem on Thursday (23rd)…

Extra Time to Form Government

Even though Prime Minister Netanyahu won reelection in Israeli politics, he still needs to work with other political parties to form a governing majority. Recently, President Reuven Rivlin extended the deadline…

R.I.P. — 2,000 Years Later

Israel has a culture of life. This story illustrates that fact. Just before Passover hikers discovered the looting and destruction of a burial site near Jericho. The burial site, near a Hasmonean Palace…

News Digest — 5/23/19

With preliminary results indicating that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is headed for another five-year term, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wasted no time in congratulating the leader who has brought…

News Digest — 5/22/19

A Palestinian businessman who flouts political taboos by working with Israeli residents of Judea and Samaria could soon have a role in US President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan. While Palestinian officials have…

News Digest — 5/21/19

A bipartisan letter signed by nearly 400 members from both sides of the aisle in the US House of Representatives and the US Senate was sent to US President Donald Trump on Monday (20th), calling on him to address…

News Digest — 5/20/19

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations over the weekend welcomed the approval of the groundbreaking German resolution that describes the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS)…

News Digest — 5/17/19

Hamas ordered Palestinian demonstrators in the Gaza Strip who regularly participate in the weekly March of Return to stay home Friday (17th), according to a report on Army Radio Friday morning.Channel 13 News…

News Digest — 5/16/19

Marking the 71st anniversary of Nakba Day, Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Wednesday (15th) vowed to foil U.S. President Donald Trump’s upcoming plan for peace in the Middle East, also known…

Victims or Perpetrators?

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has raised a furor over her comment that she receives “a kind of calming feeling when I think of the Holocaust.” She says, “I mean all of it was to create a kind of safe haven, post…

News Digest — 5/15/19

Israeli security forces and communities near the Gaza border prepared for thousands of Palestinians to take part in Nakba Day demonstrations along the security fence surrounding the coastal enclave on Wednesday…

News Digest — 5/14/19

The tanker attackers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates were the result of “Israeli mischief,” an Iranian parliamentary spokesman said on Tuesday (14th) according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA)…

News Digest — 5/13/19

A new report has found that Israelis are increasingly suffering from symptoms of traumatic stress, particularly in the south, which is frequently targeted with rockets by Palestinian terrorists…

News Digest — 5/10/19

Police took security measures and precautions, remaining on high-alert over Friday (10th) in and around the Old City of Jerusalem as visitors arrived and prayers commenced on the Temple Mount for the first Friday…

News Digest — 5/9/19

On Thursday morning (9th), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Rivlin and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.Gen. Aviv Kochavi attended a ceremony awarding medals of excellence to 120 male and female soldiers chosen…

News Digest — 5/8/19

Sirens sounded nationwide at 8: p.m. on Tuesday (7th) as Israelis halted and stood silently with heads bowed for a solemn moment in memory of the dead, at the beginning of the Jewish state’s Yom Hazikaron, the…

News Digest — 5/7/19

Israel’s Memorial Day will be marked with a series of solemn ceremonies starting at sundown on Tuesday (7th).  The Day of Remembrance officially begins at 8:00 p.m. when a one-minute siren will sound throughout…

News Digest — 5/6/19

A ceasefire went into effect at 4:30 a.m. on Monday morning (6th) between Israel and Hamas, although no formal announcement has yet been made.The IDF, however, signaled it had agreed to a ceasefire as it declared…

News Digest — 5/3/19

The number of Israeli casualties of war stand at 23,741 as of May 2019, according to figures published by the Defense Ministry on Friday (3rd) ahead of Memorial Day next week. Since last Memorial Day, 96 new names…

May Their Memory be a Blessing

Today is Yom HaShoah, the memorial to the Holocaust. Following the liberation of the camps, General Dwight Eisenhower summoned business leaders, politicians, community leaders, and others in influential positions…

News Digest — 5/2/19

According to reports from the Israeli military, Gaza-based Palestinian terrorists launched two rockets into Israel in the early morning hours of Thursday (2nd), Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Both fell in open areas without…

News Digest — 5/1/19

We, the commanders and soldiers of the IDF – past, present and future – comprise the defensive forces that the 6 million fallen prayed for. Eighty years have passed since World War II began, the biggest war of the…

News Digest — 4/30/19

Israel is accusing the Islamic Jihad terror group, backed by Iran, of firing a rocket from Gaza toward Israel on Monday night (29th) in an attempt to sabotage a fragile cessation of violence between the Jewish state and…

News Digest — 4/29/19

Two of the people injured by a gunman who burst into a Chabad synagogue on Saturday (27th) in California had left the Israeli city of Sderot after surviving rocket hits from Gaza on their home. During the attack…

News Digest — 4/26/19

Tens of thousands of Israelis took advantage of fair weather on Friday (26th), Pesach Sheni (Second Passover holiday), to visit the country’s nature reserves and national parks. The Israel Nature and Parks Authority estimated that…

Protecting Their Own

No stranger to terror, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “expressed deep shock over the murderous attacks against innocent civilians in Sri Lanka, and Israel stands ready to assist the people of Sri Lanka…

News Digest — 4/25/19

Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau on Thursday (25th) issued a travel warning for Israelis planning to visit Sri Lanka, saying there was a “high and concrete” chance of a terror attack. The Bureau has set a Level-2 travel warning…

News Digest — 4/24/19

If Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has his way, alongside Katzrin, Ramot and Ramat Magshimim on the Golan Heights, there may someday soon be a community named Kiryat Trump….

News Digest — 4/23/19

Tens of thousands of Israelis crossed the border to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula ahead of the Passover holiday this week, seeking a non-traditional break and defying government warnings that signaled a high-level of terror attacks…

News Digest — 4/22/19

Tens of thousands of Jewish pilgrims made their way to the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City on Monday (22nd) for a twice-annual blessing ceremony, held under heavy police guard. The blessing was recited twice…

News Digest — 4/18/19

Normally, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wouldn’t be the name one immediately associates with pop stars or soccer athletes, but all have at least one thing in common.  They made the list of TIME magazine’s top…

Beresheet, 2.0!

“We started something, and we need to finish it. We will plant our flag on the moon!” And with those words, SpaceIL chairman Morris Kahn announced his intention to begin immediately on Beresheet 2…