Jerusalem Facts You Should Know Re: “Rights” to East Jerusalem and West Bank
Under international law no Arab state, not even Jordan, has “rights”. Nor do they in any other part of Western Palestine. It was British Mandate.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration and 1919 Paris Peace Conference meant land on both sides of the Jordan River were to be Jewish National Homeland. The Arab states agreed.
Britain gave away three-quarters of the area in 1922 and created Trans- jordan
Britain surrendered Mandate in May, 1948. The UN proposed the Indefensible Partition Plan.
Israel accepted the plan; however, she’d have only 13% of the original area. The Arab states rejected the plan and attacked.It was aggression — not self-defense.
No sovereignty rights accrued to Jordan by illegal land acquisition.
Her annexation of the West Bank in 1950 has never been recognized by any state except Britain and Pakistan – not even by any of the Arab states! Only since 1967 has the world wanted to recognize Jordan’s so-called ‘rights’.
“Israel’s claim is not by right of force, but by force of right!”
— Taken from newsletter from American Institute of Holy Land Studies, 8/77