Human Interest

A More Perfect Union Jul/Aug 2009

Thomas Jefferson once famously said, “Almighty God hath created the mind free….All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens [burdens]…are a departure from the plan of the Holy…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk May/Jun 2009

Have you noticed the Institute of Jewish Studies advertisement on the inside front cover of this issue of Israel My Glory? We have an exciting development! The Friends of Israel…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2009

Those were the words Jesus spoke to His disciples in what we know as the Sermon on the Mount—words that traveled across the centuries to lodge in the heart of a 10-year-old…

Facing the Goliath of the Liberal Media Part Two

The news media has called Christians everything from demented to stupid to downright evil. If you aren’t aware of what’s happening, it’s time to read this and smell the slander.

Christians Fight for Rights in U.S. Schools

Brittany McComb was one of three valedictorians chosen to give a speech before 400 of her peers at her high school graduation in Henderson, Nevada, in 2006. But during commencement…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2009

What could you expect if you were among the 2,000 to 3,000 Christians living in the Gaza Strip now controlled by the Hamas terrorist organization? Nothing good. As we have reported…

Will the Emergent Church Submerge Yours?

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to the 21st century. In the late 20th century, certain leaders came out stating that we needed a “new way of doing church.” That old-time…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Who Holds the Future?

The conversation was between a militant, Russian Communist and a reserved, elderly Christian in the days before the collapse of the Soviet Union. A disciple of Marx and Lenin, the Communist…

Security on the Island of Grace

When the qualities that made America great disappear, America may disappear as well. And one quality in particular overrides the rest. A secure America depends on it.

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2009

Read these statistics and then try to tell yourself that all is well in the world of Christianity. According to the All India Christian Council (AICC), as reported by Compass…

The Ghost of America Yet to Come

The Netherlands is a small country with a big problem. And by the looks of things, America is heading in the same direction.

How Many Gods?

So reads a billboard along Interstate 95 in Philadelphia, erected by PhillyCOR (the Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason). The coalition defines itself as a group of free thinkers, atheists, humanists…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Nov/Dec 2008

Lisa was on the job only two days when the call came. But she was ready. Sixty intensive hours in the classroom, including written instruction and practical training, had prepared her…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2008

According to Compass Direct News, Muslims are murdering Christians because the leader of the radical Islamist group Tibliq died in May from injuries sustained in a 2006 auto accident. Ali Olukade’s followers now…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2008

When Bethel Baptist Church in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, celebrated the modern State of Israel’s 60th anniversary, it went all out! The congregation staged a biblically based, three-act dramatic performance of The Life of Moses…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Future

Two preachers were handing out tracts in England recently when a police officer threatened to throw them in jail for committing a hate crime. “They were warned that if they came back and were beaten

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2008

At least 30 serious instances of persecution of Christian believers have occurred over a one-month period, reports Compass Direct News. Attacks, arrests, incarcerations, rapes, treason charges, destruction of church properties, blasphemy charges…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Who Speaks for Evangelical Christians?

It’s been rather amusing over the years to observe those who think they call the shots for evangelical and/or fundamentalist Christians when it comes to making social or political decisions in American life.

God Bless America

Eckhart Tolle, Jeremiah Wright, Jimmy Carter. Believe it or not, they all have something in common. And if you love the Lord, love your country, and love Israel, you won’t be too happy about it.

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2008

Ami Ortiz, 15-year-old son of Israeli Pastor David Ortiz, arrived home in March to find an impeccably wrapped package on his front porch. Since it was the season of Purim…

In the Shadow of a Praying Nation

This summer marks the 45th anniversary of the ruling that outlawed reading the Bible and reciting the Lord’s Prayer in America’s public schools. But there’s more. Read on.

Silhouette of man speaking.

Rampaging Toward Change

The 10-year-old had a tight grip on a dollar bill when his father pulled into the parking lot of the general store. The boy anxiously held out his dollar and asked…

Rabbi Bernstein Still Battling Freehold

If you want to hold a growth group, Bible study, prayer meeting, or weekly religious gathering of any type in your home in Freehold, New Jersey, you likely will find yourself before the zoning…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2008

When the Archbishop of Canterbury recently suggested the inevitability of instituting some aspects of Muslim Sharia law in Britain, he caused a justifiable furor. His comments also raised hackles in Canada…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2008

We recently received a personal invitation and media advisory from international Muslim leaders calling for a meeting at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. This Muslim-Christian event was billed as an “historic olive branch.”

Map of the Middle East.

Eleven Things Christians Should Know

“Bethlehem will become a town of churches devoid of Christians if you transfer the area to the Palestinian Authority,” predicted the late mayor of Bethlehem, Elias Freij, pleading—in 1993—not to transfer…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Religion and Politics: Who’s in the Game

An interesting contest seems to be heating up as the world paves a road to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The religious left has felt compelled to issue a series…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2008

Media producers and conservative Christians have long argued about whether film and television fare can so affect people, especially youth, that it influences their actions. Secularists in the celluloid industry have loudly…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Mainline or Out of Bounds

Leaders of the National Council of Churches U.S.A. (NCC) are fond of reminding us of its size and influence. In fact, a Web site reviewing the organization’s newest yearbook called the NCC…

While We Were Sleeping

Unbelievers will go to the mat to prevent dog fighting, but believers won’t do the same to prevent worldwide persecution of their brethren in Christ. Read what is happening while we sleep.

Bernsteins Today, Baptists Tomorrow

When ultra-Orthodox Rabbi Avraham Bernstein of Freehold Township, New Jersey, decided to hold a Friday evening Shabbat service in his home almost ten years ago, he had no idea he would become…

Persecution Update

COMPASS DIRECT NEWS—Pastor Mark Jaikumar was recovering recently in a private care facility in Bangalore, Karnataka state, India, after being kidnapped and blindfolded and overhearing Hindu extremists’ plans to kill him…

‘Amisha’: The Heroic Housewife

I had never seen a Bible or even touched one. In 2001 I was living with my uncle who abused me and threw chairs at me. I went to a friend’s house…

The Everlasting Hatred

Born-again believers and Jewish people have been persecuted for millennia. And, unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Why? Because of the everlasting hatred.

Now They Call Me Infidel

Israel has been the object of constant terrorism—a barrage of 9/11s all through its history. As a percentage of their total population, Israel has lost far more lives to terror…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2007

Jim Jacobson, president of Christian Freedom International (CFI), said recently, “Christians in this nation don’t realize how fortunate they are to live in the U.S.” In a CFI press release, Jacobson said American…

Christ: The Hope of Nations

America’s Founding Fathers placed their hope for this nation on the truth of Christianity. But as important as the American historical record is, something else is even more important.

America’s Historical Amnesia

From 1776 until 1947, there was little argument that Christianity was the primary worldview that shaped America’s values and national vision. Not all Americans were Christians, of course. But the truths…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2007

A question raised at a recent Day in the Prophetic Word wasn’t related to Bible prophecy, but it was a good question nonetheless. What is The Friends of Israel doing to reach…

Silhouette of man speaking.

How Fair Is the Fairness Doctrine?

There is a move afoot to resurrect the misnamed Fairness Doctrine and impose it on conservative broadcasters. If it is successful, liberal politicians will debilitate Christian radio and virtually shut…

Pursuing the Finish-It Principle

While the West founders in a sea of inconclusiveness, radical Islam pushes aggressively toward its goal. We have an option. Dare we take it?

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2007

Sacred to the Hindus of India are monkeys, cobras, cows, and other animal and plant species. Unfortunately, the same respect, to say nothing of reverence, is not extended to Christians. Hindu extremists…

Hirsi Ali’s Challenge to Humanity

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is arguably the bravest and most remarkable woman of our time. To understand why this 37-year-old woman is extraordinary, she must be assessed in the context of the forces…

The Emerging Church: What Is It?

Candles, incense, mood music. Can this be church? A revolution is taking place in worship, and it’s causing many people to look around with wonder and ask, “What’s going on?”

The EC and Israel

Historically, church saints have looked to God to take them up to meet the Lord in the air at any moment (1 Th. 4). Furthermore, said theologian David L. Larsen, “Neither John…

Glossary for the Emerging Church Movement

Absolutism: theory of objective values; a philosophy in which such values as truth and morality are absolute and not conditional based on human perception. Conversation: expresses the desire to interact and share…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2007

Zionism is belief in and support of Israel as the God-given homeland of the Jewish people. As Christians, we understand that our Zionist beliefs are firmly rooted in the Bible…

Then They Came for Me

When an American public school feels comfortable staging a hostage drill that makes Christians the terrorists, can something more sinister be far behind?

They Cry in Silence July/Aug 2007

Freedom of speech is not a right for Christians in many parts of the Muslim world. Compass News Direct has reported a gruesome example of the price Christians in a host…

Dealing With the Devil

Most Americans don’t think in terms of demon possession. We think in terms of disease. If we see a young man beating his head into the ground or throwing himself into a fire…

The Master Deceiver’s Handiwork

In December 1968, during the days of the race for space, three American astronauts found themselves seeing sights no human had ever seen. And they were doing it from a spacecraft…

A Madrassa Grows in Brooklyn

Come September, an Arabic-language, public secondary school is slated to open its doors in Brooklyn. The New York City Department of Education says the Khalil Gibran International Academy (KGIA), serving grades six…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk May/Jun 2007

Reports from many areas of our worldwide ministry indicate a resurgence of an errant teaching best described as Replacement Theology. Deviating from a literal interpretation of God’s prophetic Word, Replacement…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Rip Van Winkle Syndrome

Remember the story about Rip Van Winkle, the likable fellow of Dutch descent who slipped away from a nagging wife and bedded down for a nap under a shady…

Silhouette of man speaking.

So Much for the Divine Spark

Most of us have had such sentiments thrown at us when we’ve lamented the current state of affairs and extolled the virtues of the “good old days.” Well, since the genocidal…

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2007

A 24-year-old man known only as Hasanuddin has admitted planning the savage, October 2005 beheadings of three Christian girls in Poso, Indonesia, as a “gift” to Muslims in celebration…

‘People Just Want Nice.’ Oh, Really?

When will we learn that some people don’t care about “nice” and that annihilating Israel is merely the warm-up to something far more nefarious?

The Price of Faith

In Pakistan, death awaits everyone who opposes Islam. Mujahid el Masih knows. In 1997 thousands of Muslims attacked his Christian village, setting fire to 1,500 homes, plus cars and medical clinics…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jan/Feb 2007

Our attention never wavered as Maway Ananya told her dramatic story recently at The Friends of Israel headquarters in New Jersey. Born in 1982 into an Orthodox Jewish family in Ethiopia…

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2007

Before the November elections in the United States, politicians burned the roads and airwaves trying to convince voters they had the solution to the dilemma Saddam Hussein and his henchmen…

Saddam’s WMDs…From Someone Who Knows

In Iraq he was known as General Georges, former air vice marshal in Saddam Hussein’s military and one of Saddam’s top advisors. His name is Georges Sada, and he is a Christian. His book…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Nov/Dec 2006

Fallen Israeli Sgt. Michael Levin, 22, was buried in August on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem amid an outpouring of mourners, the likes of which are usually reserved for persons of great fame. Thousands…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Questions That Beg for Answers

Here we go again. Just as they exploded with rage over 12 cartoons published in a Danish newspaper in September 2005, Muslims again are demonstrating that they will not extend freedom of the press…

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2006

Some of you will remember the terrible atrocity we wrote about last year when radical Islamists in Indonesia beheaded three Christian schoolgirls on their way to class-es. Although the tragedy did not touch…

Brigitte Gabriel Conclusion

When the Palestinians started fighting in Lebanon [in the 1970s], the war took on such savagery that it was inconceivable. They would massacre the Christian cities. City after city. A signature Palestinian way…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2006

They came from across the United States and Canada, South America, Europe, and Asia. The occasion was The Friends of Israel’s 2006 field-staff conference, a gathering held every three years. For some…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Rediscovering Evil

The TV news anchors were discussing an unspeakably vicious murder that had been committed without provocation. The report was shocking but, unfortunately, the fare we have come to expect on the evening…

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2006

Two years ago, attending high school in Zaria city, Kaduna, Nigeria, went from tension to tragedy when Muslims attacked their Christian classmates. This was not a scuffle. The assault was brutal, and its effects…

Schoolyard Fights and the Status Quo

When a young student, I sometimes stood in the circle of after-school observers as disputes between aggrieved adversaries were settled with flaying fisticuffs. In most cases, there was little or no real damage…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Ignoring the Obvious

While Americans burn time arguing the merits, or lack thereof, of the absurd fiction The Da Vinci Code (24 percent of its readers said the novel aided their “personal growth and spiritual understanding”), a real-time…

They Cry in Silence Jul/Aug 2006

Thousands of people rallied in Washington on April 30, hoping to pierce the conscience of America concerning the slaughter that continues in the Sudan. The focus of the demonstration was to protest…

Jihad, American Style

A crusade is under way to rid America of Christianity. If this statement seems harsh to you, you may change your mind after reading this article.

From Bill Sutter’s Desk May/Jun 2006

Tears welled up in our eyes as Holocaust survivor Gerda Klein described the devastation of her “tsunami.” In a subdued voice, she recounted, “Ours was a wave of hatred that swept away…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2006

In a world overrun by head-scratching contradictions to anything resembling common sense, here’s one more. Israeli Brig. Gen. Aviv Kochavi has been forced to cancel plans to study…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2006

The accusation is often leveled that The Friends of Israel is anti-Palestinian and, therefore, without sympathy for Palestinian Christians. This is in no sense the case. These accusations usually come…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Mar/Apr 2006

When swastikas were spray painted on our Friends of Israel signs last summer, this hateful action was not a random occurrence. When anti-Semitic slogans and vulgar images were plastered on the Jewish…

The Anti-Nazi Voice of Courage

The Lord always has His remnant. In the evil days of King Ahab, He had Elijah and 7,000 people “whose knees have not bowed to Baal” (1 Ki. 19:18). And in the evill…

Islamic Imperialism in the Real World

Many people snicker and jeer at the idea of a “seventh-century caliphate.” But the Muslims aren’t snickering. And their push to power could change your world.

They Cry in Silence Mar/Apr 2006

In October 2001 we reported on a terrible massacre of Christians in Pakistan. It was Sunday morning, and a congregation of some 100 believers was meeting for worship. Suddenly four radical…

New or Déj à Vu?

Europe is again becoming a dangerous place for Jewish people. It’s the same old anti-Semitism, but with a slightly new and frightening twist.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

God is the author of Klanism,” and Jesus Christ was the Klan’s “first real member.” So said the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in 1925.1 “Just like Christ, I have a duty to my own…

Palestinian Children: A Model of Hitler Youth

Adolf Hitler declared, “He alone who owns the youth gains the future.”1 Hitler knew the importance of early indoctrination. So do today’s Palestinian leaders. In fact, the recruitment allurements and military-style…

Zvi Mar/Apr 2006

We are approaching the great days of Passover, which begin April 12. This holiday brings unity to our nation, as we give thanks for all that God has done for His Chosen People Israel. For those…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jan/Feb 2006

“What’s it to me?” That’s a question repeatedly bandied about by Americans and people residing in the affluent zone we call the Western democracies. There’s plenty of “bread and circus” and little…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A War Strictly off the Record

The teenagers were on their way to their Christian school in Poso (Sulawesi), Indonesia. As they walked through a cocoa plantation, none could have imagined the horror awaiting them. Hiding beside the path, hooded jihadists…

They Cry in Silence Jan/Feb 2006

On the first day of September, all schools in the Russian Federation celebrate a holiday that has come to be known as the Day of Knowledge. Children attend dressed in their best…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Nov/Dec 2005

So said Dr. Yuri Shtern, cochairman of the Israeli Knesset’s Christian Allies Caucus, an organization of historic proportions that underscores the growing friendship between the Jewish and evangelical communities.

Islam? Which Kind?

You’ve got your Sunnis and your Shiis
and your Fivers and your Seveners. And the list goes on. All are Muslims. Yet all are not alike.

They Cry in Silence Nov/Dec 2005

Good news and bad news are coming out of Indonesia. As you may know, this is a country dominated by Muslims (88 percent), many of whom are radically opposed to Christians…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2005

On September 11, 2001, Muslim terrorists hijacked airliners and used them to destroy the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City and severely damage the Pentagon in Washington…

Silhouette of man speaking.

A Grave for Israel?

In light of the situation in the Middle East, the poet’s words are hauntingly prophetic. Not only do they carry refrains from Israel’s ancient prophets, but they echo the Holocaust, pogroms, and the perpetual anti-Semitism…

What Kind of America Do You Want?

An important issue went before the Supreme Court recently. America is head- ing where it’s never been before. And you may be the decisive factor.

They Cry in Silence Sep/Oct 2005

It is hard for those of us in freedom-loving countries to imagine being thrown in jail for teaching children the things of God and the love of Jesus. But this is precisely what is taking…

What Darwin Did Not Know

We now know that if Darwin could have foreseen coming scientific developments, he would have had good reason to be concerned that his theory might one day be proved wrong. In particular, Gregor Mendel had not…

Evolution’s Deadly Theology

Does the theory of evolution involve more than “science”? You may be surprised what this view actually encompasses.

Darwin’s Turn From Christianity

Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809, in Shrewsbury, England. His grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, was an evolutionist/naturalist, poet, and philosopher. His father, Robert, was a successful and wealthy physician. His mother died when he was eight.