From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2007

Zionism is belief in and support of Israel as the God-given homeland of the Jewish people. As Christians, we understand that our Zionist beliefs are firmly rooted in the Bible as God’s sure revelation. Specifically, the Abrahamic Covenant of Genesis 12 presents God’s promise to raise up a special people—the Jewish people—and give them a particular land, the land of Israel. The boundaries of this Land of Promise are recorded in Genesis 15. Confirmations of God’s promise were given to Isaac in Genesis 17 and to Jacob in Genesis 28.

Christians who are compelled by their faith to speak up on Israel’s behalf are increasingly being sought by Jewish groups that provide opportunities to work for the State of Israel and serve with the Jewish people. Following are several Jewish organizations that welcome the help of Christians.

CAMERA, the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, is a media-monitoring organization that responds to inaccurate and distorted news coverage of Israel and the Middle East. Misinformation about the Jewish state has also surfaced in professional journals, encyclopedias, travel guides, and even dictionaries.

CAMERA is recruiting Christians to join it in monitoring the media and helping to set the record straight on distortions or inaccuracies and blatant anti-Israel and anti-Jewish prejudice. Two New Jersey residents, Sharon Stone and Gladys Carden, said recently they joined a CAMERA media watch team in southern New Jersey because of their “genuine love for the Jewish people” and their concern for accurate news coverage “about the people we love.”

Volunteers are encouraged to write letters for publication in newspapers and magazines (including online) and to communicate with responsible parties in the broadcast industry, particularly radio and television. A variety of CAMERA publications, action alerts, and e-mail informational releases also support these activities.

To contact CAMERA and learn how you can participate, log on to org, or call CAMERA at 617-789-3672.

AIPAC, the America Israel Public Affairs Committee, the largest and most influential Jewish, pro-Israel organization in America, is encouraging Christians to participate in its activities. Friends of Israel worker Jonathan Craft serves as an AIPAC delegate from his state of Nevada. According to Jonathan, “AIPAC is a tangible way for us as Christians to put feet to our support for Israel.”

With the support of its members nationwide, AIPAC works on a bipartisan basis with members of Congress and representatives of the administration on numerous important initiatives related to the Jewish state.

These include aid to Israel, prohibitions in aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority, condemnations of Iran for its declared nuclear intentions and threats to Israel, and passing congressional resolutions supporting Israel’s right to self-defense. AIPAC is relentless in its work to ensure that the U.S.-Israel relationship remains strong and vital.

You can obtain information about becoming active with AIPAC in your state or nationally by accessing the Web site www.AIPAC. org or by phoning 202-639-5200.

Sar-El, the Volunteers for Israel program in the United States and 30 countries worldwide, brings volunteers to Israel for two and three weeks of service. Work projects are typically with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and may include assignments in food service, warehouses, and hospitals.

Many of the volunteers are Bible-believing Christians for whom volunteer service in Israel is a fitting expression of their Christian Zionism. One of these is Dr. Wesley Walker from California who has participated in 13 stints of volunteer service since 2000. Dr. Walker shares, “I support God’s plan for Israel…and have a deeper love for the country and the people.”

Detailed information on the Sar-El Volunteers for Israel program, including a program application, may be found at or by calling Jeanne S. Schachter at 888-473-6527.


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