Closing the Book On Arafat

At long last the book has been closed on the life and times of notorious terrorist king-pin Yasser Arafat. In the years ahead historians will mull over the impact and legacy of the life…

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2005

As Palestinian mortar shells and rockets continued to pound the Jewish settlement of Gush Katif at the rate of over three per day, destroying homes and sending people to the hospital…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Nov/Dec 2004

History in the making or merely window dressing? This was the question on the minds of many of us who gathered recently at United Nations headquarters…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Wahabi Invasion of America

In February of 2003 a University of South Florida professor and six others were charged with aiding Islamic Jihad, a global terrorist organization. In July a federal grand jury…

The MBB’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’

It was a meeting like the hundreds of others we have experienced over the course of twenty years. My brother Emir was gently debating another Arabic Christian…

Presbyterians Come Out of the Closet

Yes, it is true that the Presbyterian Church (USA) manhandled Israel at its 216th General Assembly last summer. Not that the denomination has been soft on…


When the hierarchy of the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) declared that it wanted to send a “strong message” to the international community to convey…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2004

“The Painful Truth: All the World Terrorists are Muslims!” So writes Abdulrahman al-Rashed, general manager of AI-Arabiya television, in his…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2004

An Israeli toddler being dropped off at nursery school by his mother was killed when a Palestinian Kassam rocket exploded in the heart of Sderot in the Negev. More than 20 others, including youngsters…

Children in the Fire

In ancient days the heathens sacrificed their children to the pagan god Molech. Thousands of years later, it’s surprising how little has changed.

Goose-Stepping Americans?

An influx of Muslim immigrants is changing the face of Europe. Suddenly, Americans are being called the new Nazis; and Bush, the new Hitler.

The Real Anne Frank

Had she lived, Anne
Frank would be seventy-five years old this
year. But in March 1945,
three months before her
sixteenth birthday, Anne
became one of eighteen
thousand prisoners who
died in a single month in
the Nazis’ Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany.

Myths/Facts: Israel & the Middle East May/Jun 2004

Arab leaders have repeatedly made clear their animosity toward Jews and Judaism. For example, on November 23, 1937, Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud told British Colonel H.R.P. Dickson: “Our hatred for the Jews dates from…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2004

Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the deal, saying it was too expensive. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, however, said that the importance of the deal surpasses merely the water issue and affects the strategic relationship with…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Pondering Life in the ‘New Jerusalem’

That’s the dream. But dreams rarely reflect reality. And nocturnal pleasantries inevitably vaporize when exposed to the harsh light of morning. Such will be the case when foreign interlopers, dreamers, and wishful thinkers impose..

Bait for Hate

For millennia Gentiles have used the New Testament as an excuse to hate Jewish people. Furthermore, many of them misin- terpret the Bible.

Israel’s Peculiar Position

The Jews are a peculiar people: things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it…

Confronting a Legacy of Hatred

Hatred for Israel and the Jewish people in classrooms controlled by the Palestinian Authority is an ongoing problem. If and when a peace agreement is reached, how can a generation of Palestinian children and young…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2004

The growing alliance between Christians and Jews has prompted Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, to create a Christian Allies Caucus to maintain that relationship and support it. Said Knesset member Yuri Stern…

An Evangelical View of the Jewish People

The subject was about anti-Semitism in the United States and what, as a Jewish businessman and state senator, the gentleman being interviewed had encountered personally. He spoke about exclusions from local clubs and a number…

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2004

Forty-eight veteran Israel Air Force (IAF) pilots held captive in Syria or Egypt last year have petitioned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon not to free terrorist Mustafa Dirani, who tortured IAF navigator Ron Arad, still in…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Nov/Dec 2003

Israel has been under intense pressure by the United States, Europe, the Arab nations, and others to stop construction of a security fence in areas that have exported suicide bombers and assorted terrorists bent on…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2003

What is the Palestinian fascination with the Kassam rocket, an imprecise weapon containing 10 to 15 kilograms (22–33 pounds) of explosives with a range of six to eight kilometers (3.73 miles)? Caroline Glick of The…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Sep/Oct 2003

Recently The Friends of Israel joined the Jewish community in a solidarity rally for Israel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. By our presence we sought to demonstrate that, as Bible-believing Christians, we are loyal friends…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Reliving the Thirties

The struggle over suppressing discrimination in Western societies is an ongoing problem that will grow with the ever-increasing influx of third-world minorities into more affluent nations. Additionally, judicial decisions that grant…

The Seeker Conclusion

It isn’t a good time to be Jewish these days. In Israel, Jews are being murdered almost daily by Arabs determined to remove them from the tiny sliver of land they still have left in the Middle East…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2003

Had she been Palestinian, the entire world would be up in arms. But she was Israeli, so no one even noticed when seven-year-old Noam Liebowitz was shot to death while riding in her family car…

From Bill Sutter’s Desk Jul/Aug 2003

If you were to shop in Norway today, you would see all Israeli products clearly identified as being from Israel. They are being singled out, not to make them easier to purchase, but to make…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2003

“I’m telling you frankly, the attitude of Islam is not to accept a foreign state in this area.” So said senior Hamas spokesman Mahmoud a-Zahar on the BBC. He later met with Palestinian Authority (PA)…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2003

Palestinian Authority (PA) Arabs made no bones about whose side they were on during the recent war in Iraq as tens of thousands took to the streets waving flags and pictures of Saddam Hussein and calling…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2003

ARUTZ-7-The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported that Arab residents of Yesha have found a new way to take advantage of…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2002

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Web site has reported a new children’s outdoor game being played these days in the Palestinian Authority (PA) city of Ramallah. The name of the game was not reported…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2002

Yasser Arafat’s Fatah terrorist organization is signed on posters throughout Judea, Samaria, and Gaza that threaten terrorism against Americans. The posters say attacks will take place if the United States continues to support Israel…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Rerunning the ‘30s

We’ve seen it all before. Swastikas in the streets, arms raised in infamous SiegHeil salutes, preposterous statements being made that hark back to the 1930s in Hitler’s Europe. But this is not the ‘30s. We…

The Many Masks of Satan

If you think Satan appears like the caricatures of him, with horns and a red tail, think again. More often than not, he appears as the “noblest” among us.

Is the New Testament Anti-Semitic?

If I had been asked, “Is the New Testament anti-Semitic?” during my university years, I would not have hesitated a moment before answering, “Yes!” My formative years were spent surrounded by people whose perception…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2002

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been accused of massacring Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp when soldiers went after terrorists there. Dr. David Zangen, a senior pediatrician at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem, was in Jenin…

Recycling Adolph Hitler

The Egyptian press is resurrecting old propaganda to slander the Jews—but with a new twist: It is comparing President Bush and America to Nazis.

The Preservation of the Jewish People

The Bible tells us what it will take to destroy the Jewish people. And it tells us when God finally will say to Himself, “I’ve had enough of them!”

The ‘Final Solution’

How does a nation plan genocide? Hitler’s systematic, calculated method will alarm you, even as it confirms the truth of the depravity of man.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East May/Jun 2002

Late last winter a flurry of peace proposals began floating through the air of the Middle East. The situation in Israel was desperate. Palestinian terrorists were murdering innocent civilians at an alarming rate. In…

A Day for Remembering Yom Hashoah

Some of the most disturbing words in all of Scripture are found in the book of Esther: There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the people in all the provinces of thy kingdom…

They Cry in Silence May/Jun 2002

Although Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl was Jewish, not Christian, in many ways his execution parallels that of Christian believers in other parts of the world. Not only was it strikingly similar in manner…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2002

The Israeli High Court of Justice has ruled that converts to Reform or Conservative Judaism inside Israel must be registered as Jews. The ruling overturns Israel’s long-standing policy that only those who convert under Orthodox…

Victory in Europe

Great was the rejoicing at the news of Hitler’s defeat. Israel My Glory heralded the victory in this superb account by our former director, Victor Buksbazen.

The Blight of Anti-Semitism

In the Middle East, Israel occupies a sliver of land 8,019 square miles in area. Her immediate, hostile neighbors occupy 2.2 million square miles—270 times more land than Israel. Yet they want what Israel has…

Like a Cat on the Wall

Editor’s Note: For almost 35 years, Israel My Glory readers have eagerly turned to our reports by Zvi, a Jewish believer who has lived in Jerusalem since the end of World War II. He arrived…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East

Israel is not worth the price of an atom bomb. That opinion was expressed in an editorial appearing in an Iranian newspaper in response to remarks made by former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani. The editorial…

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2002

Plans by the terrorist organization Hamas to produce homemade Katyusha rockets in the West Bank were foiled after the Shin Bet, Israel’s security agency, arrested a Hamas operative at the Rafah border crossing as he…

When Terror Is Not ‘Terror’

Does abhorrence of terrorism depend on the nationality or religion of the victim? Are some lives less precious than others, so much so that the word terrorism would not apply to murderous attacks on these…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jan/Feb 2002

According to a report in The Jerusalem Post, Israeli Cabinet minister Dan Meridor hailed a recent Palestinian statement as “a major breakthrough.” Apparently the Palestinian Authority (PA) has offered to resettle Arab refugees in the

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2002

The deputy chairman of Iraq’s Revolutionary Command Council told about 350 Islamic clerics recently they should support a holy war against Israel to “expel the sons of apes and pigs from Palestine.” Speaking to representatives…

Poland Land of Memories

Hardly a Jewish person alive would fail to recognize the name Auschwitz. Although more than 50 years have passed since the Allies liberated the vile death factories of the Third Reich…

Israel in the News Nov/Dec 2001

Engineers have found that sections of the southern wall of the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site, are in “intermediate” danger of collapse, possibly due to the Moslem Wakf Authority’s significant construction work directly above…

Israel in the News Sep/Oct 2001

According to an Internet report on Yahoo!® News, the poll was conducted by the Palestine Center for Public Opinion from May 24 through 26 and showed 76 percent of respondents favored “operations like the May…

Silhouette of man speaking.

The Voice of the Devil

It started in the Garden of Eden. His voice was soothing and persuasive; the objects of his intentions, receptive; and, as a result, we live today with some very regrettable consequences.

The PLO vs. The Christians

Arafat’s war against Israel has shattered nearly as many old certainties as lives. One of the most seemingly solid of the certainties was that no one could attack Israel’s capital and live to tell the…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Jul/Aug 2001

At the height of the recent Al-Aqsa Intifada, Palestinians and Israelis bemoaned the suffering it caused. Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, determined to widen the war and force international intervention on his behalf…

Israel in the News Jul/Aug 2001

At the invitation of Iran, Israel’s archenemy, members of the terror groups Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and Hamas met with parliamentary leaders of 30 Islamic countries at a two-day conference in Tehran. Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan…

Israel in the News May/Jun 2001

THE JERUSALEM POST—Fatah has issued a leaflet vowing to escalate the intifada and to make the lives of Gilo residents “hell.” The leaflet praised the recent killing of Israeli motorist Tzahi Sasson on the Bethlehem…

History by The Wishing Well

The ugly tentacles of revisionism are spreading over the Temple Mount. And if Arafat has his way, they eventually will reach all the way to Christ Himself.

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Mar/Apr 2001

Sheik Hassan Nashrallah has a suggestion for all Jewish people living in the State of Israel. Nashrallah is the secretary-general for the Hezbollah terrorist organization that operated against Israeli forces in southern Lebanon.

Israel in the News Mar/Apr 2001

Israel needs 528 billion gallons of water annually to survive. But if things stay as they are, the Jewish nation will run out of fresh water in fifteen years, according to Ronald S. Lauder…

Israel in the News Jan/Feb 2001

Dr. Aaron Grossman of Chicago, Ill., was shocked to discover that the Associated Press had supplied newspapers with a photograph of his badly beaten son and had identified him as a Palestinian being brutalized…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Knowing Who Your Friends Are

When a Jewish senator was interviewed on the subject of anti-Semitism, he frankly acknowledged how anti-Jewish prejudice had affected his life. “I believe,” he said, “that from time to time, every Jew looks around…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Oct/Nov 2000

Jewish emigration from the former Soviet Union is again on the rise. The reason is distressingly familiar. The evil of anti-Semitism is increasing once again. Groups such as the swastika-sporting Russian National Unity Party have…

Israel in the News Oct/Nov 2000

HA’ARETZ (INTERNET EDITION)— Palestinian electricity consumption is climbing by 15–20 percent a year and could become a future time bomb threatening Israel’s limited reserves, a senior industry source said.

Silhouette of man speaking.

Never Missing an Opportunity to Miss an Opportunity

Speaking of Israel’s adversaries, someone once commented that “they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity!” If anyone wants proof of that wry observation, he need only consider the events that took place during…

Turning Back the Clock

For thirty years, Israeli farmers in north- ern Israel have lived in relative safety. Now those days may have ended.

Israel in the News Aug/Sep 2000

HAARETZ—Prime Minister Ehud Barak expressed his gratitude to Russian President Vladimire Putin for the freeing of Adi Sharon, a 12–year–old Israeli boy. According to Russian news agencies, the 13 gang members responsible for the kidnapping…

Israel in the News Jun/Jul 2000

THE JERUSALEM REPORT— Participants are currently being recruited for a new program to take non-Jews from around the world on tours of the Nazi death camps in Poland and then to Israel.

Silhouette of man speaking.

Creating a Generic Holocaust?

A typical question always asked of people standing in line at the pharmacy counter is whether they want a brand name drug or a generic. Are they the same quality? An honest answer would be, “Sometimes yes;

Israel in the News Apr/May 2000

Born in Jaffa in 1935, Levy was a thirteenth generation sabra (native Israeli) who devoted his life to his country. He served in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) for more than twenty-five years…

Israel in the News Feb/Mar 2000

JERUSALEM—The population in Israel has reached 6.2 million, and the Jewish population is approaching 5 million, according to recent figures published by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). A CBS spokesman said he expects rapid…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Oct/Nov 1999

Christians who understand what it means to be a true friend of Israel and the Jewish people were horrified upon learning of the tragic shooting of Jewish children in Los Angeles last August. Anti-Semitic violence is always unspeakably…

The Zion Connection: Common Enemies

Possibly the most disturbing event in our nation’s recent history took place in a cozy mountain state in upper middle-class America. At a time when young people concern themselves with test scores, term papers, and final exams, students were…

Israel in the News Aug/Sep 1999

“This one we call Yirmiyahu, that one is Tikva and this one here is Fortuna Ziona,” said Col. Dan Engelhard, a pediatrician, pointing to the three newborns under his care. The three were born in the refugee camp hospital—delivered by…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Changing Horses at High Speed

With the dexterity of an old Pony Express rider, America’s current administration appears to have leaped into a new saddle with bewildering speed. Dust raised from the change of direction is causing great consternation in Jerusalem…

Who Killed Christ?

Possibly no subject in history has been as inflammatory to the Jewish people as the question, Who killed Christ? Time and again, the accusation of Christ-killer has been hurled against the Jewish people. Centuries of hatred have been built…

Israel in the News Jun/Jul 1999

As the United States moves to revive the stalled Israeli-Syrian peace talks, Defense Minister Moshe Arens said recently that the only way Damascus will make peace is if Israel withdraws from the entire Golan Heights. He is against…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Listen to the Children

The assumption now is that some sort of Palestinian state will soon be a fact of life for Israel and the Middle East. With the U.S. administration manifesting a perceptible policy shift in favor of Yasser Arafat and the Palestinians, coupled with…

Perceptions…Old Shadows Fade Slowly

A few weeks ago I had lunch with an Israeli diplomat, a man for whom I hold great respect, in Washington, DC. We discussed, among a host of other things, the inescapable tensions that often arise between the Christian and Jewish…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Apr/May 1999

Egyptian Foreign Minister Moussa recently sent the Israelis a message meant to influence voters to dump Prime Minister Netanyahu in favor of, in their view, a more flexible candidate. Moussa urged Israelis to embrace a Palestinian state…

Israel in the News Apr/May1999

Brown suede gloves worn by a Mossad agent who helped capture Nazi SS leader Adolf Eichmann 38 years ago have been donated to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Authority, the institution announced…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Watching the Russians

For all of the political turmoil we’ve been experiencing in Washington, DC, things are much worse in Russia—that is, for the United States, Christians, Jewish people, and the Russians themselves. In the former mecca of communism…

Who Killed Jesus?

Picture this: A Jewish family spending quality time decorating a Christmas tree. Does this sound odd to you? When I was 17, I was invited to a Christmas tree decorating party at the home of a Jewish acquaintance. Confusion would best describe my initial reaction…

Map of the Middle East.

Eye on the Middle East Dec/Jan 1998/1999

Palestinian militants were pleading “wounded pride” following last summer’s retaliatory strikes against terrorist bases in Sudan and Afghanistan. A leader of Islamic Jihad said he hoped Muslim militant groups would carry out attacks to punish…

Israel in the News Dec/Jan 1998/1999

Long lines of potential immigrants formed outside the Jewish Agency offices in Moscow…for the first time in years as the ruble continued to fall, according to Jewish Agency emissaries. In Israel, Absorption Minister Yuli Edelstein predicted that…

Israel in the News Oct/Nov 1998

Israel’s high-profile rescue team in Nairobi continued to search for survivors in the rubble of the bombing of the us embassy in Kenya…,after having succeeded in rescuing a man, a woman, and her son. The army home front command rescue teams…

Israel in the News Aug/Sep 1998

The government intends to lodge a protest with the Palestinian Authority over an interview PA Chairman Yasser Arafat gave…in which he compared the Oslo Accords to a temporary truce, saying he envied Palestinian suicide “martyrs”…

Israel in the News Jun/Jul 1998

By 2003, Israel will finally have fulfilled the dreams of its founders when it overtakes the United States to become home to the largest number of Jews in the world. This according to the Institute of the World Jewish Congress, which is…

Israel in the News Apr/May 1998

The Absorption Ministry announced…that immigration was up more than 20% in the last six months of 1997, compared to the first six months of the year, with the majority of newcomers arriving from Ukraine and Ethiopia. Some 36,000 immigrants arrived…

Israel in the News Feb/Mar 1998

The threat of missiles aimed at Israel is the most significant since the War of Independence, Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai warned recently.
“They can hit our most vital asset, the civilian population we are supposed to be defending,” he told…

Israel in the News Dec/Jan 1997/1998

Hundreds of urns filled with human ashes that were discovered at the former Buchenwald concentration camp were buried [recently] at a mountain cemetery.
The 701 metal urns were found May 7 by carpenters working on the roof of…

Silhouette of man speaking.

Treblinka: The Rails Ran Only One Way

A few weeks ago I went into the deep woods in Poland with a friend. For him, it was a return trip, one that members of his family had almost certainly taken some fifty years…

Israel in the News Oct/Nov 1997

The Senate passed a major foreign relations bill [recently] that authorizes $100 million for construction of a new US embassy in Jerusalem. The bill has three other Jerusalem components.