Israel in the News Oct/Nov 2000

PA electricity consumption ‘threatens Israel’s reserves’ HA’ARETZ (INTERNET EDITION)— Palestinian electricity consumption is climbing by 15–20 percent a year and could become a future time bomb threatening Israel’s limited reserves, a senior industry source said. The source said Israel keeps reserves of some 8 percent of its production capabilities— the standard in Europe is 2

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Losing the Vision?

We have entered the “post-Zionist” era. Yet God says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” What does this all mean for little Israel?

No Addition, Deletions, or Corrections

The apostle Paul was not one to mince words. Learn what he told the Galatians concerning the gospel of salvation.

Justification by Faith Alone Galatians 3:1-24

Law vs. grace—the age-old struggle. This excellent article clarifies the differences between the two systems and explains which one God blesses and why.

Keep Standing Firm in Freedom Gal. 3:25-5:1

Would you reenroll in kindergarten after you had graduated from college? In essence, that’s what some people were telling the Galatian believers to do.

Family Matters Gal. 6:1-18

You know that your Christian brother has fallen deeply into sin. What should you do? Read this article and
find out.

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