My Brother’s Keeper?

On September 26, 1997, Russian President Boris Yeltsin brought the curtain back down. With a single sweep of his pen, he consorted with the darkest elements in Russian society to snuff the lamp of religious freedom that had flickered tenuously since the…

Voices From The Slave Market

“I have heard their groans and sighs, and seen their tears, and I would give every drop of blood in my veins to free them.”

The Oppression Of Middle East Christians

Extraordinary diplomatic efforts in recent years have been undertaken to resolve some of the world’s most complex, divisive conflicts—in Ireland, Bosnia, and the Middle East. The latter is no closer to resolution.

A Mentor’s Model for Ministry 1 Thessalonians 2

Paul had presented the gospel on three consecutive Sabbaths in the synagogue at Thessalonica. The Spirit of God had convicted the congregants, resulting in many Jews and a great multitude of Gentiles coming to faith…

Return to Romania

Dr. Ben Abraham, The Friends of Israel’s Eastern European worker, was born in Romania. Memories of his early years are filled with images of persecution and suffering for believers in the Messiah.


As the Bible reader moves from Malachi to Matthew, he encounters many new ideas, movements, and institutions never mentioned in the Old Testament. In the Gos­pels, for example, he reads about synagogues, Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots…

Joel of Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1987

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we must be “diligent in season,out of season” (2 Tim. 4:1) and “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh [us] a reason of the hope that is in [us], with meekness and fear” (1 Pet. 3:15).

The World’s Hatred of Believers John 15:18-27

When I became a believer in Christ, I expected that those closest to me would also accept Him. Once they have the truth about Jesus, I reasoned, they will immediately open their hearts to Him.


The city was Jerusalem. The date was somewhere around 67 A.D. The situation was this: A group of Jewish people had been confronted with the messiahship of Jesus. They had listened to the scriptural claims concerning His person.

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1983

I have many friends here in Jerusalem. Some of them are believers, while others are far away from the Lord, but since I have established contact with them, I feel it is important to maintain that contact.

When Is a Jew Not a Jew?

Upon examining the history of Jewish tradition with regard to this matter, however, one discovers that this interpretation is novel and not in accordance with what classical Judaism has taught for centuries on the subject.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1983

Here in Israel, one of the most important places for communication is often a public bus. Many times you meet people you know as they are getting on or off, and sometimes you are very surprised at the people you meet.

Joel of Jerusalem Feb/Mar 1983

We say that no ill is without its good. Every time a situation begins badly, I always pray, “O Lord, lead me and give me much patience so I can stand strong against the tribulations I face.”

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1981

Here in Israel it seems we are paying taxes even for the air we breathe. The more we earn, the more taxes they take and, as if this is not enough, I was recently called to the tax office for an audit.

Joel of Jerusalem Apr/May 1981

We often say that no ill is without its good, but until the good news comes we must usually go through many troubles. Even the worst people have some good in them, and I would like to tell you about one such person.

Joel from Jerusalem Oct/Nov 1980

I have been called up to the army once again and since I have been here I have received a nice new nickname – “revolutionary”. I didn’t know why they were calling me this…

Joel of Jerusalem Aug/Sep 1980

I want to thank all of you for the wonderful time I recently had in America and for the friendships I made while there. It was so good to be in a place where people can openly sing “What a friend we have in Jesus”…

Joel of Jerusalem Jun/Jul 1980

I don’t know how it is that so many people know about me here in Israel, but one evening as my family and I were returning home, two people stopped me…