ICC ‘Hangs Democracy Out to Dry’
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) recent decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) recent decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu…
The evolving situation in Syria demands scrutiny, especially regarding its repercussions for Israel’s security…
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently called for the creation of a…
Since Hamas’s brutal and unprovoked assault on southern Israel on October 7, 2023, we’ve heard many protesters chant, “From the river to the sea…
More than a dozen Palestinian factions—including bitter rivals Fatah and Hamas—recently signed a national unity deal…
At the 2021 UN General Assembly, Israel’s then Prime Minister Naftali Bennett laid out a grand vision for Israel and the Middle East…
The Biden administration’s decision to cut off weapons supplies to Israel during the war in Gaza has raised concerns that…
God’s protective grace over Israel was clearly manifested on April 13, when Iran carried out its first direct assault on the Jewish state, launching an unprecedented barrage…
Iran is stirring up anti-government sentiment in Jordan, with the goal of toppling King Abdullah II and replacing his regime with one led by Hamas…
Saudi Arabia has accused Iran of instigating the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza to undermine progress in reaching a…
Shortly after Hamas’s brutal October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden demonstrated solidarity with the…
It’s back. Hamas’s October 7 slaughter of more than 1,200 Israelis and Israel’s military response to the slaughter have revived…
From Egypt’s Pharaoh to Persia’s Haman to Germany’s Hitler, many a world leader has attempted to destroy the Jewish people, defying God’s declaration…
The Arab-Israeli conflict is often perceived as a highly intricate issue involving a multitude of historical, political, and social elements…
Israel is bordered by Lebanon and Syria in the north, Jordan in the east, the Mediterranean Sea in the west, and Egypt in the south. No map, however, conveys the…
Israel is always at the center of conflict. Will there ever be true peace—shalom—in the Middle East?..
Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen are posing a growing threat to Israel. Since the October 2023 outbreak of the…
Less than 24 hours after Hamas launched its October 7 attack on Israel, its Tehran representative, Khaled Qaddoumi, gave…
We have now witnessed the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust. Israel will never be the same after October 7, 2023…
I am writing this column a week after Hamas’s brutal massacre of Israelis along the Gaza border. Though we don’t yet know the war’s outcome…
For nearly two decades, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI) has looked at the Israel-Hamas conflict through the…
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s robust support for Hamas after its October massacre of more than 1,400 Israelis…
For decades, people who opposed the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East have claimed they are…
October 7 is going to be remembered in Israel as a mini Holocaust. Hamas, a terror organization based in Gaza, really fooled Israel…
Senior Hamas terrorist Ali Baraka openly admitted recently how Hamas duped Israel and the United States into complacency…
Critics are accusing President Joe Biden’s administration of succumbing to extortion…
Israeli Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli recently objected to the German government allowing comparisons between the…
The recent round of hostilities between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip has sparked a debate over Israel’s…
Spies warned that conflict was imminent. Enemy troops were visibly massing. Yet, when the attack came on October 6, 1973—Yom Kippur…
The New York Times Jerusalem bureau chiefs and columnists have long referred to Israeli “occupied territory…”
Historical archrivals Iran and…
The United Nations General Assembly recently asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to provide a…
The concepts of “Palestinians” and “Palestine” are political tools used to subvert, demonize, and destroy the Jews’…
Russia’s use of Iranian-made, unmanned drones in its war against Ukraine is…
Israel and Lebanon, two long-time adversaries that are technically at war, recently reached an agreement on…
It is almost impossible to grasp the danger of Israel’s present moment. The Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) agreement with…
Recent clashes between the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have underscored Iran’s…
A Boston BDS group is promoting a “Mapping Project” that places a target on American Jews. It declares…
Israeli President Isaac Herzog recently visited Turkey in a bid to normalize bilateral ties after more than a decade of…
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pressuring Israel to stop sharing its concerns about the adverse impact U.S. policy…
The Biden administration recently withdrew its support for the…
People often ask me if the Abraham Accords are related to end-times prophecy. The Accords have been called peace agreements, which begs the question…
The Israeli government recently allocated 5 billion shekels ($1.5 billion) to prepare the Israel Defense Forces to strike…
An ongoing shadow war at sea between Israel and Iran recently escalated when the Islamic Republic attacked…
The February 2021 oil spill that polluted nearly half of Israel’s shoreline highlighted the country’s acute vulnerability to…
As part of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry’s mission to teach about Israel and the Jewish people, our North American…
Iran is continuing to provide high-quality weapons to Hezbollah, including one that could give the terror organization…
Jewish people the world over are still grieving over the loss of more than 45 people who were crushed to death in a horrific…
Last December I stumbled across an article that nearly knocked me off my chair. The headline read, “Israel and the UAE working together…
Israeli Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz recently estimated Iran is a year or two away from building a nuclear bomb…
Morocco recently established full diplomatic relations with Israel as part of the Abraham Accords, an effort by the United States…
Israel and Lebanon recently initiated groundbreaking negotiations to resolve a long-standing maritime border dispute…
Magicians have the gift of misdirection. They make us focus on the inconsequential; and when we least expect it…
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently declared that his decision to…
If a large percentage of Jewish people in America are liberal and don’t support President Donald Trump, why is Trump…
I don’t know what the situation will be by the time you receive this issue of Israel My Glory. Today we’re “sheltering in place,” unable to go practically anywhere…
The coalition agreement between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival, Blue and White party leader…
As I write this column, I’m looking at two miniature Israeli flags on the windowsill of my office. When the degenerate empire of Nazi Germany surrendered May 8, 1945…
During the 2016 election cycle, presidential candidate Donald Trump often described an Israeli-Palestinian peace as one of history’s toughest deals…
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Fatou Bensouda, recently announced that…
On the night of October 24, 2019, all of Israel’s television news programs led with the same foreboding report: Israel’s…
Israel’s Ministry of Tourism and Land Authority recently announced the winners of two tenders for the construction of four…
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently invited Hamas leader Ismail…
The appointment of Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell as high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs…
The air was cool, a hint of dampness pervading it. I stood huddled with my Jewish friends. In front of us lay a massive mound of gray ash…
Two Jewish students have been taken out of school after being the targets of anti-Semitic bullying in two separate incidents…
Widespread evidence shows that “today, Christians constitute by far the most widely persecuted religion,” according to an interim report…
The Trump administration’s recent designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a “foreign terrorist organization” is part of a…
EGYPT—A Christian mother who was kidnapped and tortured in Egypt for her faith now fears for her daughter and her pastor-husband…
EGYPT—The Egyptian government has rejected a proposed bill to remove the religious designation required on ID cards, reflecting the enormity of the discrimination…
People visiting Israel during the annual Purim celebration in March, when masses of costumed Israelis joyously parade through the streets, might liken the event to…
In response to the increasing anti-Semitic attacks in France, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed Diaspora Affairs and Education Minister…
Nikki Haley’s departure as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations elated the political Left and saddened those who love Israel. In less than two years, Haley set a new American standard that leaves her successor with big shoes to fill…
Pro-Israel students at Columbia University in New York City recently hosted a protest against the school’s “pervasively hostile environment” toward Zionist students…
“Holocaust memory and Jews are under attack [in Europe],” said Elisha Wiesel, commenting on the recent desecration of the childhood home of his late father, renowned…
Universities have become a hotbed of anti-Israel, anti-Semitic activity. Students call Israel a “terrorist state” and encourage others to engage in “intifada” and violence. Professors compare Israel to Nazi Germany and peddle the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement…
After more than a year of warnings, the Trump administration has followed through on a pledge to withdraw the United States from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), calling it a “cesspool of political bias…”
If you hold an American passport and were born in Jerusalem, this might be the time to get your document updated. Perhaps now, 70 years after Israel gained its independence, the U.S. State Department will finally print “Jerusalem, Israel” on your passport…
Saudi Arabia recently granted Air India permission to fly over its territory on new routes to and from Israel. The decision to open Saudi airspace to commercial jets bound for the…
The brutal murder of 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Mireille Knoll marks the 11th time in 12 years someone has been viciously killed in France specifically for being Jewish and attests to the alarming rise of…
In a dramatic escalation of tensions along Israel’s northern border, an Iranian attack-drone recently violated Israeli airspace. Israel shot down the drone and then sent warplanes into Syria to take out the command center that launched…
A wave of anti-Semitism has been washing over Poland after the country banned all speech that suggests Polish complicity in the Holocaust, and the nation’s Jewish community is worried…
As we all know, President Donald Trump in December officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel. Why it took seven decades for the United States to do so can easily…
No, no, no! Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s resounding “No!” came as no surprise when President Donald J. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel…
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin are working to repair bilateral relations. Long fraught with tension, ties between the geopolitical rivals reached a new low after…
An Islamist terrorist’s attempt to blow up a Northwest Airlines plane over Detroit, Michigan, on Christmas Day set bells ringing across America and the Western world, and near panic ensued as officials…
Palestinian Christians have come out with a document against Israel. But it reads surprisingly like it was written by militant Islamists.
Replacement Theology crept into the early church and altered many things. In fact, you may unknowingly be living with some of those changes in your church today.
Moshe Sharon, now retired professor of early Islamic history at Hebrew University, presented an analysis of some key Middle East issues at an annual conference of the Counter-Terrorism Institute in Herzliya…
We hear much talk these days about carrots and sticks. Should U.S. intelligence officers attempting to pry information from captured terrorists use physical methods or persuasive conversation to convince the bad…
Iran is an increasing concern for the Middle East and the world, and no one seems to have a workable plan for how to control it. Its radical Islamist leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad…
Warnings abound that the Obama administration’s policies will leave Israel to face Iran and Hamas alone. The warnings are summed up in recent articles by the West’s two main pro-Israel…
Thus read the first line of a December 2008 news release from the National Council of Churches (NCC). So exercised is this liberal federation of mainline denominations, which claims to represent…
Some say Israel’s existence threatens world stability. Eliminate Israel and the world will achieve peace. So say the misinformed. Yet this worldview is thriving. In fact, a day is coming…
As 2008 slipped off the stage into history, former American President James Earl “Jimmy” Carter was off on a mission to aid Arab countries and terrorist organizations by monitoring elections…
What could you expect if you were among the 2,000 to 3,000 Christians living in the Gaza Strip now controlled by the Hamas terrorist organization? Nothing good. As we have reported…
We often hear the famous words of the late U.S. President Ronald Reagan, trust and verify. They are repeated often in the heat of negotiations with world leaders who are less than scrupulous…
When the qualities that made America great disappear, America may disappear as well. And one quality in particular overrides the rest. A secure America depends on it.
A female Egyptian lawyer has recommended that Arab men sexually harass Jewish women to force Jews to leave Israel. Egypt, which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, is perceived…