A Literal Throne for a Literal King

A millennialists interpret the Davidic Covenant differently than do premillennialists. Amillennialists believe the promises God made to David in the Davidic Covenant should not be taken literally, but spiritually.

They believe that Christ is now fulfilling the Davidic Covenant in heaven and contend that He is seated on David’s throne at the Father’s right hand, reigning over a spiritual Kingdom called the church.

Scripture does not support this amillennial teaching. First, Jesus is not sitting on the throne of David in heaven but is at God’s right hand (Heb. 10:12). The only throne mentioned in heaven is not David’s or Jesus’, but God’s (Acts 7:55–56; Rom. 8:34; Col. 3:1; Heb. 1:13; 8:1; 12:2; 1 Pet. 3:22).

Today Jesus is at the Father’s right hand as the Christian’s High Priest, functioning in the role of Mediator and Intercessor (Rom. 8:34; 1 Tim. 2:5), which has no relation to the Davidic Covenant.

Second, there is no indication in the Bible that the throne of God the Father is identified with the Davidic throne: God’s throne was established in eternity past (Ps. 93:2; Lam. 5:19), but David’s was not.

Third, Revelation 3:21 distinguishes between the Father’s throne in heaven and Christ’s throne on Earth. Christ is heir to the Davidic throne of His father David, which He will occupy at His Second Coming (Lk. 1:32).

Fourth, if Christ were now seated on David’s throne in heaven, ruling over the house of Judah on Earth, a change would have been necessary in the promises made in the Davidic Covenant. But nowhere in the Bible is the Davidic Covenant modified to allow David’s throne to be anywhere other than on physical Earth. Scripture makes it clear that David’s throne was always a physical throne set up on physical Earth in the city of Jerusalem. Christ (David’s Son) is to rule over the house of Judah from David’s throne (Lk. 1:32–33) in Jerusalem and, thus, during the Millennial Kingdom, after His return to Earth.

Fifth, the time of the Messiah’s (Christ’s) rule is stipulated in Daniel 2 and 7. The Gentile nations mentioned in the Daniel passages must run their course before Christ returns to Earth and takes possession of David’s throne.

Sixth, although Jesus is David’s Greater Son and is to sit on David’s throne in fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant, He cannot do so until His Second Coming. The New Testament never connects David’s throne with Jesus’ present ministry in heaven.

Thus Scripture confirms that God will preserve the nation of Israel forever so that He can fulfill the promises of the Davidic Covenant literally (Jer. 4:27; 5:10, 18; 30:11; 46:28). These promises will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ when He physically returns to Earth, assumes His rightful seat on King David’s throne, and rules over the house of Jacob forever. Of His kingdom there shall be no end. Praise God for His wonderful plan!

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