Analyzing October 7

The following comes from a series of interviews Friends of Israel field representative Jael Kalisher conducted with her father, Meno Kalisher, pastor of the Jerusalem Assembly in Jerusalem, Israel.


A. October 7 is going to be remembered in Israel as a mini Holocaust. Hamas, a terror organization based in Gaza, really fooled Israel. They pretended they wanted the best for the people in Gaza. They negotiated with Israel concerning work permits. They fooled our intelligence, giving the impression that the last thing they wanted was war. Because of this, all the security around Gaza’s border was reduced to a few soldiers. Basically, we were numbed. When Hamas attacked, it was Simchat Torah, the last day of Tabernacles. Most of the soldiers were on vacation. A huge party was taking place next to the border, attended by almost 3,000 young adults. About half of them were massacred. About 2,500 Hamas terrorists broke through the border; broke the fences; exploded the security cameras; entered with jeeps; shot, killed, massacred, beheaded, mutilated, and raped people; and took with them about 250 captives. It was disastrous. We were unprepared, and we paid a high price.


A. A political war is when two countries disagree on a piece of land or something like that. They can negotiate. Religious war is what we have. We believe God gave us the land of Israel. They believe the land belongs to them. It’s a conflict between religions. They want to erase the name of Israel. Who gave us the name Israel? God. They want another plan than the plan of God. This is a spiritual war. You cannot negotiate, and whatever you do will be temporary. You need God to solve it.


A. We know the world is going into a new world order. The prophecies of Daniel 7 need to be fulfilled. And we see it unfolding before us. You have empires in this world—America, Russia, China, and so on. And there are little countries and groups, like Israel and Hamas. The empires come to the point where they say, “Enough is enough! You little toothpicks cannot decide what is going to happen to us every day!” I believe we’re going to see the superpowers try to bring a new world order. Our area will be controlled by a revived Roman Empire, by a unification of nations.


A. I believe God allows things like this to happen when we are very far from Him. We need revival. It reminded me of Jeremiah 9:22–23 when God basically said, “Since you rely on your wisdom, your money, your power, I’m going to take the three of them; and I’m going to humiliate you.” And that’s exactly what happened. Today people are more apt to listen to spiritual messages. From this pit, we can grow. We are praying for a spiritual revival.


A. We have about 40 people on active duty and a lot of families without husbands and older children who usually help them. So, besides teaching the Bible, I’m busy providing funds and logistics to help our soldiers. Some things the army cannot supply right now. But our kids in the military need them: coats, special watches, knives, shoes, socks, shirts, blankets, towels. My daughter is an officer, so she gives me a list. Recently, she said, “Dad, we need bulletproof vests. We need 100 special coats for the winter.” So, we order, purchase, and drive to where they are stationed to give it to them. We provide whatever the army cannot provide right now. Also, we help the families left only with kids.

My son, Danny, and his battalion got sick. He said, “Dad, I need medicine, I need this, this, and this.” He gave me a list. I called a pastor in that area. The pastor bought what they needed and brought it to them. What a joy! And we immediately donated to their church. The churches are working together. It’s a good example of the body of Christ. And I thank God for it.


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Analyzing October 7

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