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For thirty years, Israeli farmers in north- ern Israel have lived in relative safety. Now those days may have ended.
Confused by the many views on the Rapture? This illuminating article will help you understand what the Scriptures teach about this exciting event.
Is the idea that the Lord can return at any moment just wishful thinking? Read this article and learn what the Bible has to say about imminency.
Gone in an instant! How can that be? But it can be, and it has happened before.
When the Lord returns to take His church, the world will become a very different—and frightening—place to live.
Paul didn’t actually introduce the concept of the rapture, he expounded on it. Paul begins 1 Thessalonians 4:15 with “according to the Lord’s own word”; there is no place in the New Testament where Jesus speaks of some being resurrected and some others being transformed to meet the Lord in the air. He never said anything like that, nor does he even imply such a thing. So to which of the “Lord’s own words” was Paul referring to? The answer can be found in Isaiah 26:19-21 and 57:1, 2. Isaiah introduced the concept but being non-understood it was a mystery. Paul revealed the explanation of that mystery. Paul and the other apostles obviously thought they would see the Lord return while they were still living. All this makes perfect sense since God says, “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7