Cease the Ceasefire Talks

Shortly after Hamas’s brutal October 7, 2023, massacre in Israel, U.S. President Joe Biden demonstrated solidarity with the grief-stricken Jewish nation. He preached accountability in the face of terrorism, stating, “History has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, . . . they cause more chaos and death and more destruction.”

The White House robustly supported Israel’s military actions in Gaza after October 7; and the president not only endorsed Israel, but he also strategically deployed the USS Ford and USS Eisenhower carrier strike groups to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea to deter further aggression from Hezbollah terrorists along Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.

Biden’s remarks after the massacre hold profound truth. Since coming to power in Gaza in 2007, Hamas has exemplified the adage “Give them an inch, and they’ll take a mile.” But it wasn’t long before Biden’s tone shifted. During a press conference in February, the president called Israel’s military operations in Gaza “over the top.”

Despite years of enduring incessant rocket attacks from Gaza, Israel always faces international criticism when conflicts arise. Calls for a ceasefire only emerge when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) respond to escalating rocket attacks targeting Israeli civilians.

In December 2023, 153 countries voted in favor of a UN resolution for a Gaza ceasefire; 23 abstained, and only 10 opposed. To make matters worse, South Africa accused Israel of genocide before the International Court of Justice.

Hamas’s history shows a pattern of failure to maintain ceasefires. So many ceasefires have been established and promptly violated that the term no longer means much.

The pattern is clear: (1) Hamas unleashes terrorism on Israel; (2) Israel responds with military action after days, weeks, or months of escalated rocket attacks; (3) the news media condemns Israel for targeting Hamas bases and launch sites; (4) Israel faces international pressure to end military operations; (5) a ceasefire is brokered between Israel and Hamas; and (6) Hamas breaks the ceasefire. Wash, rinse, repeat.

In 2008, in response to several years of Hamas rocket attacks, the IDF initiated Operation Cast Lead, a 22-day conflict in Gaza. Egypt brokered a ceasefire; and almost immediately, Hamas resumed rocket attacks, violating the truce. In 2012, another escalation of rocket fire from Gaza forced the IDF into another conflict, Operation Pillar of Defense. After eight days, a ceasefire was established; but it eroded as Hamas continued terrorizing Israel. Then, Hamas breached several short-lived ceasefires during the 2014 Operation Protective Edge and the 2021 Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Israel’s current objective is to eliminate Hamas, ensuring it can no longer govern or operate within Gaza. Ceasefires have proven to be a one-sided deal favoring Hamas. They only give the terrorists time to regroup and rearm, providing breathing room to double down on their efforts to destroy the Jewish state.

The international community urging Israel to embrace a ceasefire cannot ignore October 7. As long as Hamas is in power, the threat of another massacre looms large.

Psalm 83 is a prayer asking God not to remain silent as Israel’s enemies try to eliminate Israel and the Jewish people. The enemies say, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more” (v. 4). As pressure mounts on Israel, we must remember that God will act.

We pray President Biden will heed his own words: “When terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, . . . they cause more chaos and death and more destruction.” So, let’s allow Israel to put an end to Hamas and its chaos, death, and destruction.

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