Christmas Is…

Most people don’t go to Isaiah 53 to learn the meaning of Christmas. But they could! Christmas is a busy time of year. Everyone’s schedule seems to be full of holiday events. Getting together with family and friends. Singing Christmas carols. Buying presents. Preparing special dishes using favorite recipes passed down through generations. And, of course, decorating. Though all of these ac

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10 thoughts on “Christmas Is…

  1. Tengo entendido que Jesús no nació en esta temporada llamada Navidad, entonces en que tiempo nació en que mes según el calendario hebreo?

    I understand that Jesus was not born in this season called Christmas, so at what time was he born in what month according to the Hebrew calendar?

    1. That is an excellent question, one that the Bible really does not answer. Most theologians speculate that He was born in the spring, possibly near Passover. We do know that Passover lambs were raised in Bethlehem, which was and still is very close to Jerusalem where the Passover lambs were prepared for the Seder which was one of the three required Jewish feasts that Jewish men had to attend, according to God’s Law. The three required Feasts were: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.

  2. In one of Andy’s lessons, he shared that while attending Dallas Theological Seminary a professor asked the class to state the most important verse in the Bible. Andy shared that in his mind he was thinking John 3:16. His interest perked when the professor had the class examine Genesis 15:18. The professor made it clear that if God cannot or does not keep this covenant, then the true church can have no assurance of salvation.

    The truth is: if we are truly born again, our salvation in Christ is secure in Jesus Christ, and Israel’s claim to her land is secure as well. Therefore, Replacement Theology is unBiblical.

  3. “For centuries the Jewish people have been falsely blamed for Jesus’ death. They have been called “Christ killers”…
    I not sure “falsely blamed” is entirely correct. Consider the words of Peter in Acts 2:23 where we see the divine side (determinant counsel and foreknowledge of God) and human responsibility (ye, Jews, have taken by wicked hands) and crucified.
    Of course the Gentile are also responsible too.
    Just a technical point. I do appreciate your comments and trust the lord by the Holy Spirit will use it to His glory in salvation. Merry Christmas to you and your wife, whose conversion I enjoyed reading in her book.

    1. To blame the Jews is ludicrous. Are you not familiar with John 1:29 and 10:17, 18? “The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” ““For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. 18“No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.” As much as anyone, you and me are just as responsible for shedding the blood of Messiah and don’t presume to wriggle out of the responsibility.

  4. Hello
    Though I doubt they would remember me, I know both Tom & Lorna Simcox from my fellowship at Bible Baptist Church (now Graceway) in Hamilton NJ, where Dr. Richard Emmons was the pastor for many years. All are excellent teachers. I also sat under Dr. Emmons while attending Philadelphia College of BIBLE. All three are excellent role models for us all.

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