‘For My Name’s Sake’

Why God acts to protect His holy name I am Charlie Perry’s great grandson. That fact may not mean much today, but in my small hometown many years ago, it meant plenty. Charles H. Perry was a man of impeccable integrity. He was highly esteemed by everyone who knew him or did business with him, and his reputation as a godly Christian followed him everywhere. People knew him to be kind, frien

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25 thoughts on “‘For My Name’s Sake’

  1. The message in this article is meaningful and helpful. It inspires me to value my relationship and fellowship with God, and to be intentional in representing His righteous character for His name’s sake. Thanks for your representation of Him.

  2. Very deeply grateful & encouraged… the HOLY SPIRIT led me to your exposition & the “22 Thoughts” that crystallized what it means to say in prayer “FOR JESUS’ NAME’S SAKE”. Indeed “A GOOD NAME is better than gold or silver”… I can only have the GOOD NAME thro’ CHRIST. May we be faithful & true to HIS GLORIOUS NAME! THANKS AGAIN !🌿💖🌿

  3. This is very good; thank you! Yes, we were brought to salvation for “the praise of His glory” (Eph. 1:12). May we never forget it. He is seeking out and separating from the world a peculiar people, one that will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and will declare His Holy Name to the world. We bear this Name, may we represent and exhibit it well!!

  4. Kathy: Thank you for this perfect prayer! It brought me under conviction for not living it better. I have copied it to remind me of its importance.

  5. Tom, thank you for your commitment and service to our Lord. Thank You Lord for Giving us this Anointed Word through Your servant, Tom, and for his faithfulness to bring it to us and for Leading me to it today and Bringing such Clarity to me through it.
    My prayer is Lord Help me to live my life for Your Name’s Sake. Help me to stay in that focus and bring Glory to Your Holy Name.
    Lord God please Bless Tom and his family and Protect them and Keep them, Increase Your Anointing and Continue to Use him Mightily and his family,
    For Your Name’s Sake.
    In Jesus Holy Name. Amen.

  6. Thank you for expounding on these 4 powerful and often overlooked words. I pray that that we His children will glorify (bring distinguished honor and praise) His Name in all that we do, say, and think. In the US and the world, lost people need to see a true representation of Who He is through us. Please help me, Lord, to bear Your name as boldly and fearlessly as You bore my sin on the cross.

    1. Wow Kathy. Wow. “Please Help me, Lord, to bear Your Name as boldly and fearlessly as You Bore my sin on the Cross.” I am writing that out and taping it on my mirror so I can pray it every day. And I’m going to post it.
      Oh Kathy, that is perfect and a laser focus prayer.
      Thank you so very much. I hope you see this, as I see this post is from last year. Lord please Get it to Kathy and Encourage her with it and thank You for Speaking it through her to me today. In Jesus Name. Amen.

  7. Thank you for sharing this great insight on this: For His name sake.
    It was inspiring, the Lord help us to represent Him well. That we will be a picture of Jesus everywhere we go, and a letter written by Him. That the world could read. God bless you real good Amen.

  8. Very good article…… Never really thought about His Name in this manner. I KNEW HIS NAME WAS ALL POWERFUL and was to be reverenced….but I always thought he was concerned about people more than His Name because He gave HIS LIFE FOR US SINNERS!!

    1. I am doing a Psalms 23 Bible Study with Jennifer Rothschild and week three’s, search of: ” His name’s sake$, and what this truly means…& finding your devotional, was so spiritually on point & parallels this week’s study too! I feel truly touched and my spirit and ❤️ blessed.

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