Frame, Reframe: The Battle for Truth

I witnessed an attempt to reframe theology during our Canadian Friends of Israel Prophecy Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba, last year when a colleague showed me a one-page flyer titled “Questions for Christian Friends of Modern Israel.” He had found hundreds of them circulating in the auditorium during the lunch break. At the bottom, it read, “Prepared by concerned friends of Palestinian Chr

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3 thoughts on “Frame, Reframe: The Battle for Truth

  1. Love your insight Steve. Funny just by logic if the Church replaced Israel there would be no need for the modern State of Israel, let alone its divine protection.
    But it’s regathering stands as a fulfillment of scripture. And I am glad God is a promise keeper. And He will finish what He started.

  2. Loving brother Steve:

    In general, I love what you write. For instance, your two-book series on Jewish Culture and Customs. And I am in full agreement with you on the error of “replacement theology.”

    However, I think you fumbled a bit on this last article: “Frame, Reframe: The Battle for Truth.” You weren’t wrong per se. But I think that the answer to the second question was rather surprising. You wrote: God “always preserved a remnant from within literal Israel who were faithful; and His promises—made to a literal, physical, corporate people—of a glorious future have never been negated. That truth is evidenced by the modern State of Israel, standing today without breath (Ezek. 37).”

    Dear friend – NO! When northern kingdom Israel (Ephraim) was doing well politically and economically, then the LORD (יהוה) sent them the prophets of which Hosea was one. They were the modern Jewish secular state (flyer answer #2). But Hosea made it quite clear that the LORD wasn’t very pleased with them. God does not want a SECULAR state be it Israeli or gentile.

    The best answer is the first option: “The faithful covenant people of God, committed to the Law and loving the Lord!” This answer has two right extensions. It rightly extends to Israelites. They have the right to live in peace in the land God promised them. The answer rightly extends to Norwegian gentiles like me. I also have the privilege of being grafted into the Israeli root stock. This is not replacement theology. It is us-both – undeserving – showered with mercy and grace – rejoicing in what God has done for us through Jesus Yeshua (יֵשׁוּעַ) our Messiah (מָשִׁיחַ). Yes! I too – an undeserving gentile – can claim Jesus as my Messiah!

    So, your answer was not wrong per se. But I feel that you were too caught up in rightly denouncing “replacement theology” to notice that you also denounced my inclusion into God’s incredibly wonderful plan for all fallen humanity.

    As you continue to write great articles, take time to review your words so as you rightly shoot down evil replacement theology that you don’t inadvertently shoot down us gentile believers who stand { with / for / behind } Israel.

    לְחַיִּים טוֹבִים וּלְשָׁלוֹם

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