From the Editor Jul/Aug 2024

Israel My Glory Sneak Peek with Jesse King, our managing editor, is a new video series that gives a glimpse into our latest issue.

On Easter Sunday, we lost a great man of God. Elwood McQuaid, former executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI), went home to be with the Lord at the age of 93.

Elwood’s accomplishments over seven decades of service in Christian ministry are myriad. He spent 24 years pastoring churches before serving as FOI’s executive director for 12 years. His efforts as editor-in-chief of Israel My Glory made our magazine a beloved source of biblical truth that reached hundreds of thousands of eager, faithful readers. He launched FOI’s radio broadcast and hosted the show for 25 years; and he wrote 18 books about Israel, the Jewish people, and the Christian faith. You can read more about our dear friend in a spread that features recollections from some of his closest ministry partners.

Elwood deeply appreciated the importance of prophecy. He interpreted geopolitics in light of God’s Word, understanding that end-times prophecies are falling into place.

Many years ago, when Russia was in deep financial trouble and seemed a minor player in world affairs, he told our former Israel My Glory editor-in-chief, Lorna Simcox, “Russia doesn’t like sitting in the back of the bus. Russia and Iran will rise, and they have their sights set on Israel.”

He was proven right when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 and supported Iranian proxy Hamas in the October 2023 massacre in Israel. And he was proven right again when Iran shattered decades of shadow war with Israel by openly attacking the Jewish nation in April with a barrage of drones and rockets from its own soil for the first time. Iran has stepped out from the shadows and is swinging at Israel like never before.

Russia, Iran, and other world powers take center stage in this issue of Israel My Glory, as we study Ezekiel 38—39 and the prophecy of the Battle of Gog and Magog. In the last days, a powerful ruler identified as “Gog” will lead a mighty coalition to invade Israel and threaten its survival.

But God will intervene to bring divine judgment and destruction to the invaders, leaving no doubt that He alone is responsible for Israel’s preservation. Then, He says, the nations “shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel” (Ezek. 39:7).

As you read this issue, we hope you will be awed by God’s incomparable power and protection, as He will ensure Israel’s survival for His perfect purposes.

In His service,
Jesse King
Managing Editor


From the Editor Jul/Aug 2024

On Easter Sunday, we lost a great man of God. Elwood McQuaid, former executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (FOI)...

It Pays to Talk to the Right Person

You may recall my mother, the five-star kvetch, from the previous issue of Israel My Glory. She perfected the art...

Understanding Gog and Magog

Ezekiel 38—39 contains one of the greatest prophecies in the Bible. It describes a massive invasion of Israel in the last days...

Is Gog’s Invasion Imminent?

Although there is no question a coalition of nations will descend on Israel, intent on annihilating it, there are certainly questions...

The Question is WHY?

Sometime in the future, a war will break out. In today’s world, that would seem a normal activity, as there are always conflicts brewing somewhere...

No Weapon Formed

The threat to Israel’s survival has existed for millennia. Jewish people often stand before their history in sober silence, so stunned by the unmitigated brutality...

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