From the Editor Mar/Apr 2017

My husband is a huge Bing Crosby fan. I think he has every song Bing ever sang, including multiple versions of “White Christmas.” He’s also seen a few Road to films, strictly because they star Bing. One is called Road to Utopia. I’ll spare you the details, which I had to look up. Suffice it to say, the plot is all about trying to get rich. Apparently, for many people, Utopia is spelled m-o-n-e-y.

In India, an experiment in Utopia-making birthed the city of Auroville in 1968, during the hippie era. According to “Trouble in Utopia” on (a website I don’t recommend) by journalist Maddy Crowell, the township is a “venture in which Marxist-flavored socialism met anarchy. There is [supposedly] no money, no government, no religion, no skyscrapers or expressways, no newspapers with headlines of war, poverty, and genocide.”

However, Auroville has plenty of other things, like robbery, sexual harassment, rape, suicide, and murder—not to mention a bureaucracy Crowell said “rivals that of India itself.” Definitely not the place Bing was looking for. The township receives more than $200,000 a year from the Indian government, and UNESCO has protected it since its inception.

Apparently, Auroville was intended to “realize human unity and establish an ideal society.” Its 2,500 residents even include an Israeli family. There’s a waiting list to get in, Crowell said, and once you’ve navigated the red tape and are admitted, you’re stuck there for two years and must work for free “as a contribution to the township.” “Where the money goes,” she wrote, “seems to be a central question.”

By now, you no doubt have the picture. Auroville is a far cry from Utopia. In fact, there will never be a Utopia apart from the Lord. He alone can create the ideal society—and He will when He returns to establish His Kingdom on Earth. And His Utopia will not be about money; it will be about righteousness.

When the southern kingdom of Judah was facing judgment (though the situation was of its own making), God gave the prophet Isaiah an uplifting message about His coming Kingdom. As today’s world grows older, it grows spiritually colder; and those of us who love the Lord can use a little encouragement. So this issue of Israel My Glory is devoted to God’s Utopia on Earth: the coming Messianic Kingdom as revealed in the book of Isaiah.

The prophet’s message is a reminder that we can take heart because the Lord, “He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath” (Josh. 2:11); and He has everything under control.

Waiting for His Appearing,
Lorna Simcox


From the Editor Mar/Apr 2017

My husband is a huge Bing Crosby fan. I think he has every song Bing ever sang, including multiple versions of “White Christmas.” He’s also seen a few Road to films, strictly because they star Bing. One is called...

The Great Invalidation

“Next year in Jerusalem!” As they have since the Jewish people were scattered around the world in AD 70, these words will ring out on the evening of April 10 at the close of Passover seders everywhere. Yet, if the United Nations...

Blessings Upon Blessings Isaiah 60

Famous 20th-century preacher and theologian Harry Ironside long ago noted that the book of Isaiah evokes glad anticipation in the hearts of believers who cherish “the coming day when Immanuel, of whom this prophet speaks, will take...

Isaiah’s Good News Isaiah 61

Good news comes in all shapes and sizes, and when it arrives—particularly in the midst of trying times—it is usually like the soothing balm of Gilead. The words of Isaiah 61 may have affected the Israelites of the prophet Isaiah’s day...

Sweet Beulah Land Isaiah 62

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Thy Kingdom Come Isaiah 65

In an age when Jesus is marginalized and the Bible grows more despised each day, it’s remarkable that anyone would know the Lord’s Prayer. But know it they do. It’s recited frequently at funerals—even at

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