From the Editor Sep/Oct 2024

Israel My Glory Sneak Peek with Jesse King, our managing editor, is a video series that gives a glimpse into our latest issue.

I met my lovely wife, Morgan, while we served together at a Christian summer camp. Within a few short days of joking and bonding over chasing energetic kids around the campground, I fell head over heels in love with her. Thoroughly enamored, I spent as much time with her as I could.

Whether physically near or far, we soon became emotionally inseparable, intertwining our lives so completely that we couldn’t imagine spending a day apart. We treasured every moment together as a gift from God. When we stood before our friends and family on our wedding day, pledging to love each other for the rest of our lives, our excitement that day for our future together provided a joy far beyond that of any other human relationship.

Each day since then, we’ve been learning how to love each other better. We continually discover how we can help each other, protect each other, enjoy time together, make each other laugh, ensure we both feel appreciated, and encourage each other in our walks with the Lord. Matrimony fulfills many of our deepest needs and longings.

Marriage is one of God’s most special and cherished gifts to humanity. It establishes a loving partnership and friendship designed to last until our earthly lives end, inextricably weaving together two people and uniting them as one. Most importantly, it reveals God’s love for those He calls His children (Jn. 1:12).

At the beginning of human history, God outlined His perfect design for holy matrimony between a man and a woman (Gen. 2:18, 24). Because following God’s instructions and obeying His Word bring blessing (Prov. 16:20), husbands and wives find great reward in seeking the Lord within the marriage covenant. Faithfully loving and respecting our spouses as He instructed (Eph. 5:22–33) and placing them above ourselves enable us to see a glimpse of God’s selfless love for us.

If you’re a believer in Jesus, you have the incomparable privilege of enjoying an eternal union with the God of all creation. When Jesus returns to Earth to gather His bride, the universal church, to Himself in heaven, we’ll fully realize His matchless love for us (Rev. 19:7).

This issue of Israel My Glory celebrates God’s wonderful gift of marriage. We hope that by better understanding this sacred covenant and the love the Lord has for you, you will learn how best to love your spouse and cherish the blessings of marriage, looking with great hope to our Bridegroom’s return.

In His service,
Jesse King
Managing Editor


From the Editor Sep/Oct 2024

I met my lovely wife, Morgan, while we served together at a Christian summer camp. Within a few short days of joking and bonding over chasing energetic kids around...

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Do You Believe in Miracles?

It was dubbed the “Miracle on Ice.” On February 22, 1980, the United States Olympic hockey team defeated the...

Marriage: The Beginning of Meaning

Marriage: The Beginning of Meaning

Genesis, the first book of the Bible, describes the beginning of everything. It opens with the creation of the universe...

Reflections of the Trinity

Reflections of the Trinity

In his letter to the Ephesian believers in Christ, the apostle Paul paralleled the marital relationship between a man and a woman...

Safeguarding God’s Ancient Landmark

Safeguarding God’s Ancient Landmark

​​Not many know his name today, but Russell Kirk was a 20th-century American author, historian, thinker, and advocate of...

Feasting at the Marriage Supper

Feasting at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb

Throughout much of the book of Revelation, the apostle John recorded the...

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