Religion, religion, religion. We don’t like to speak of it in the West, but it perme- ates every facet of everyday life for Muslims. And it determines many things, as you’ll see when you read this article.
Just about everyone knows about King David’s sin with Bathsheba. But do you know why God did not cast David away, as He did Saul? The answer may not be what you think it is!
Heeding the voice of wisdom and experi- ence can prevent many a heartache. Solomon’s son Rehoboam learned that fact the hard way, but this article explains why you don’t have to.
Good potential + bad choices = accomplishing little or nothing for God. But you can alter that equation. Read on!
Jehoshaphat played the fool by trying to travel two roads at the same time. And the admonishment God gave him back then still applies to us today.