God’s Discipline of Israel

Hosea 12:1-14 Two young boys were fighting in the park. A man took one of the boys aside and began to spank him for his inappropriate behavior. An observant bystander indignantly asked the man, “Why are you spanking one boy and not the other?” The man replied, “The one I am spanking is my son, the other is not.” As this story implies, wrong actions demand reprimands. Like the father who

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1 thought on “God’s Discipline of Israel

  1. Brother Levy,
    I was searching for discussion on whether Israel ever lived obedient to God and for how long. I know there were brief times and it seemed they lasted a generation only. I found your article pop up on my search and although it did not answer my particular question, I did notice you mentioned the struggle between the angel and Jacob.
    That brought up another question I have had and I cannot find anyone who will discuss it with me. Why didn’t the angel (if indeed he was the preincarnate Jesus) defeat Jacob easily? I ask because there is another scripture in Daniel 10 when Daniel is praying for 21 days and finally he gets an answer from “a certain man dressed in linen, whose loins were girded with a belt of pure fine gold of Uphaz” who explained to Daniel he had been battling
    (or standing against) “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” for twenty-one days then Michael came to help. I have heard the “Certain Man” might be the preincarnate Jesus and I want to believe that is true. The description of Him and when He spoke to Daniel, all of it led me to believe He was Jesus. Other people say no. Their reason is that if it had been Jesus, He would have defeated the demonic angel quickly. But then I think of Jacob and the angel struggling against each other (most think this is Jesus).
    I’m not done yet!
    I move into the New Testament and when Jesus gave up His Spirit on the cross, He proclaimed “It is finished!”. I believe He is saying Satan is defeated once and for all. When our sin was nailed to the cross, Satan lost!

    So, I ask you if I am wrong in thinking Jesus (preincarnate) battled with demonic powers. I might be making this too simplistic, it’s my lack of good education and a weaker mind than many. But I have been rebuked by other believers for even discussing this matter. I have read your articles and I would trust your remarks.
    Thank you,
    a sister in Christ, Pat H.

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