Inside View May/Jun 2015

As this issue of Israel My Glory goes to press, I’m excited to report we have just launched our new radio ministry, “The Friends of Israel Today.” Since our previous program host retired last summer, we have been off  the air.

So we took advantage of the hiatus to pray, evaluate, and ask ourselves, “Why do we have a radio ministry?” The self-examination led us to reflect on the rich tradition of our programming over the years and the steps God wants us to take for the future.

Elwood McQuaid launched The Friends of Israel radio ministry in 1991 on six stations when he was our executive director. Under his keen leadership, it grew quickly and was picked up by dozens and then hundreds of Christian radio stations around the country. The daily broadcast was known for its insightful Bible teaching, timely interviews with key people, commentary on current events, and answers to commonly asked questions.

When Elwood retired as host and Bible teacher in 2008, we decided to maintain only our two-minute, weekday spot that reported news in Israel. Then in July 2014, we plainly identified the primary reason we had a radio ministry. It comes from our mission statement: “to communicate biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while fostering solidarity with the Jewish people.” God gave us clear direction, and we began redeveloping our programming.

On April 18 we launched our new 30-minute weekend program, “The Friends of Israel Today.” It utilizes a dynamic magazine format to teach biblical truth, answer questions from our listeners, and provide timely interviews and commentary on current events. And each program concludes with a dramatic reading of a report by Zvi Kalisher from Israel My Glory.

Zvi’s column has blessed and encouraged people around the world for more than 55 years. It is the most popular feature in Israel My Glory. Reprising his testimonies in a segment called “Apples of Gold” carries on the legacy of our dear brother, now with his Messiah in heaven.

We praise God He has assembled a radio team with great experience. Steve Conover, our vice president and executive producer, was hired by Elwood McQuaid in 1995 after graduating from our Institute of Biblical Studies (IBS). The previous year he had completed a program at the Broadcasters Training Center with legendary broadcaster Bill Singer. A familiar voice to our listeners, Steve also cohosts the program.

Our associate producer and engineer, Tom Gallione, joined The Friends of Israel in 2000. Tom is also a graduate of IBS and Philadelphia Biblical University (PBU). Combined, they have more than 35 years of radio ministry experience.

Our host and Bible teacher, Chris Katulka, is a native of New Jersey and graduated from our Institute of Jewish Studies in 2001. Chris holds a bachelor’s degree in Bible from PBU and a master’s in theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is an effective Bible teacher who communicates across generations and has a deep and lasting love for the Jewish people.

While some aspects of our broadcast may be new to you, our historic commitment to teach biblical truth and support Israel remains unchanged. “The Friends of Israel Today” teaches biblical truth for changing times.

You can find “The Friends of Israel Today” by going to our website ( and clicking on the radio link or by going directly to our radio program page at, where a station finder will locate the station nearest you and time of the broadcast.

And you can always listen to our program on our website, subscribe to our podcasts, or download an MP3 file and listen whenever it’s convenient. Past programs are also available there for listening and downloading.

I trust you will be as excited as I am to hear the new “Friends of Israel Today” radio broadcast. Please spread the word that we’re back on the air. And pray with me that God will use the program to minister to people’s hearts and bring many to saving faith in the Messiah.


Antique fountain pen on parchment.

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