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As I sat in church a few weeks ago, a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time turned around to tell me how cute my grandchildren are. My first thought was, How would you know what my grandchildren look like? They live 600 miles away. And then it dawned on me: Facebook!
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It rarely snows in Washington, DC. So when the big North American blizzard known as Snowmageddon dumped more than two feet of snow in the U.S. capital in February 2010, shutting down the federal government for an unprecedented four days...
Pastor David Lemming logs onto social media almost every day. He stays in touch with his people by encouraging them with a Bible verse, linking last week’s sermon so they can watch it online, and sometimes giving them a glimpse into the sermon he’s preparing for the following Sunday....
Facebook. YouTube. Instagram. Twitter. For most of us, these sites serve as entertaining outlets where we post pictures, share opinions, and watch videos of cats (so I’m told) or of a deer eating a snowman. (That one was viewed several hundred thousand times.) But for Israel, social-media platforms have become...
Every 83 seconds, someone uploads an anti-Semitic post to social media. In 2016 alone, more than 382,000 anti-Semitic posts appeared on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram1—many of which were never removed—denying the Holocaust; portraying the Jewish people as genetically inferior...
Will these folks ever learn that Israel is God’s plan for the future in the form of The Kingdom?
Dear Soeren,
NO! The hatred and disdain Iran and other Middle East nations have for Israel are embedded in history. From Cain to Ishmael, the generations that were born to their descendants have hated the Jewish people. God has always blessed the Jewish people, and the surrounding nations have always be jealous of them. Even when they were disobedient to God, He provided a way of escape for the situations they put themselves in. The Holocaust is the most recent abomination perpetrated on the Jewish people, but people forget or do not know the atrocities conducted by the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian empires against the Jewish nation. Rome slaughtered thousands in A.D. 70, when they destroyed the Temple and the city of Jerusalem.
Never forget, the Jews are God’s unique people and possession. God gave them the land of Canaan and it is their’s forever. We need to pray for the Jewish people and the Peace of Jerusalem. God is here and He is not silent. He is the sovereign ruler of the universe. His hand will be upon His people for eternity.
Shalom and God Bless you forever,
Gary Sackman
Northern Michigan