6 thoughts on “Isaiah Sees Israel’s Future”
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Christianity is nothing like other reli- gions. In a dangerous world, people need the whole counsel of God. If you don’t think so, you’ll want to read this article.
He moved with grace through the culture of his day. That was Isaiah, a prince of prophets, whom you’ll get to know better through this excellent article.
Many people think the gospel is strictly a New Testament phenomenon. However, the elements of sin, repen- tance, and faith in God alone are con- tained in the book of Isaiah.
Is God finished with Israel? By no means. Israel’s return, redemption, and restora- tion to its land are key themes through- out the book of Isaiah. See for yourself!
Some say more than one man wrote the book of Isaiah because no one can fore- see the future. Really? Here’s evidence to the contrary.
Pls I just want to ask this question, are the people living in Israel today the real Israelites? if so are they the ones who went to slavery over and over in this world?? Were the true Israelites Europeans as portaged today? were they the slaves in Egypt, Babylon etc???
Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for your question. Here is a link to some articles regarding Replacement Theology:
Are there any articles on “Replacement Theology”? I could not find it on line