Israel in the News May/Jun 2009

Source Says U.S. Prepares to Abandon Israel
A highly placed U.S. intelligence official said Washington intends to abandon Israel in favor of the Arabs in a policy “designed to end with [Israel’s] political annihilation as a nation.”

“I have every reason to believe, based on what I’ve seen at my level of [security] clearance especially over the last several years, that Israel will soon be completely on their own…or worse,” he told Douglas Hagmann, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network.

An article on the Network’s Web site,, said the U.S. has slowly proceeded down this road. It said the unnamed official “cited the 2005 surrender of Gush Katif to the Palestinian Authority as one critical example of the slow dismantlement of Israel as a viable nation. ‘Despite critical intelligence outlining in every possible manner imaginable that this would be a disastrous move leading to the events we are seeing today, it was done anyway,’ he stated.

“‘We are seeing the very scenario play out today that was outlined in intelligence briefs three and four years ago. Knowing that, there is something very wrong with this picture,’ he stated.”

The article said, “The disinformation coming and going to and from Washington is getting worse, as is the media bias against Israel,” and “the events currently taking place in Israel are extremely perilous for Israel and especially perilous for the national security of the United States, according to this source.”

EU Demands PA State
ARUTZ-7—The European Union (EU) has issued an oblique threat to the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana told reporters the European body of nations will change its relationship significantly with the Jewish state if the Netanyahu government does not back the establishment of a new Arab state within Israel’s current borders.

“Let me say very clearly that the way the European Union will relate to a government that is not committed to a two-state solution will be very, very different,” Solana said.

Meanwhile, the EU has yet to keep the promise it made at an Egyptian-hosted summit in Sharm el-Sheikh in January to help prevent arms smuggling into Gaza.

Israel ended its counterterrorist Operation Cast Lead on January 18, partly on the strength of commitments by Western nations to prevent Hamas terrorists from replenishing their weapons supplies. Nevertheless, Hamas has succeeded in smuggling in new weapons.

UNRWA Wrong, Israel Right
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), long known to employ Hamas members, was forced to cancel a delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza because Hamas broke into an UNRWA warehouse several months ago and stole 800 tons of blankets, food, and other basics to sell to the highest bidders.

Reported the Middle East Forum: “Israeli officials have been saying all along that Hamas routinely diverts humanitarian aid.” Hamas gunmen have hijacked fuel trucks as well as trucks loaded with food and medical supplies, the Forum reported.

“All that is only more ironic given the worldwide castigation of Israel for allegedly preventing humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza during the military operation,” the Forum said.

The UN, which also condemned Israel for allegedly hitting a school and wounding people, also admitted recently that Israel had not hit the school at all, but an area outside it.

No Israel, Never!
THE JERUSALEM POST—In a recorded speech aired in Beirut in honor of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently rejected a U.S. condition for talks and stressed that Hezbollah will not recognize Israel, “even in 1,000 years.”

He said the Lebanese people are “capable of defeating this entity [Israel] and can make it disappear,” and therefore, Hezbollah will not recognize Israel, “not today, not tomorrow, not even in 1,000 years.”

He added, “Before the U.S. lists its conditions for negotiations, we must ask ourselves if we want to hold contacts with it.”

50,000 Rockets Aimed at Israel
ARUTZ-7—Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists have amassed an arsenal of 50,000 rockets aimed at Israel, United Press International (UPI) has reported. Israel still has no defense against the threat, and the government’s highly touted Iron Dome short-range missile defense system is far from being in operation and may not even be practical.

“Even if Iron Dome works perfectly, it is never going to have the firepower in interceptors to credibly intercept most, let alone all,” of the rockets, according to the UPI report.

Hezbollah has amassed far more rockets than it possessed before the Second Lebanon War in 2006, despite Israel’s agreeing to a ceasefire on the condition that United Nations Interim Forces (UNIFIL) would prevent arms smuggling into Lebanon.

In the south, Hamas continues to smuggle weapons into Gaza despite a similar ceasefire agreement, supposedly conditioned on a cessation of arms smuggling.

Last year, officials admitted that the Iron Dome system would not be effective against Kassam rockets fired from less than two miles, meaning that it had no solution for tens of thousands of residents in the Gaza Belt communities, including Sderot.

U.S. Textbooks Distort Truth, Promote Islam
What are your children learning in public school? They may be learning that Jesus was a “Palestinian” and that Islam is the truest religion.

A new study reveals many prominent textbooks used in America’s public schools grossly misrepresent Israel, Judaism, and Christianity and glorify Islam. A sixth-grade social studies text titled The World, published by Scott Foresman, states, “Christianity was started by a young Palestinian named Jesus,” reported (WND).

A WND article titled “Brave New Schools: ‘Jesus was a Palestinian,’ claims U.S. history text,” by Bob Unruh, said the five-year study looked at 28 major textbooks being used across the country. The study is available as a book titled The Trouble With Textbooks: Distorting History and Religion.

In addition to the outrageous claim that the Jewish people contributed practically nothing to the arts and sciences, the textbooks also routinely present “negative stereotypes of Jews, Judaism and Israel” and blame Israel for all the wars in the Middle East, wrote Unruh.

“The study,” he said, “also supports other assessments of U.S. texts on which WND has reported. According to an earlier report from the American Textbook Council, history textbooks throughout the U.S. schooling system promote Islam.”

Unruh said the study found, among other disturbing things, the textbooks taught these so-called facts: “Jesus was a ‘Palestinian,’ not a Jew. The Arab nations never attacked Israel. Arab-Israeli wars just broke out, or Israel started them. Arab nations want peace, but Israel does not. Israel expelled all Palestinian refugees. Israel put the Palestinians in refugee camps in Arab lands, not Arab governments. Palestinian terrorism is nonexistent or mini-mal. Israel is not a victim of terrorism, or terrorism against Israel is justified. U.S. support of Israel causes terrorism, including 9/11.”

The study also discovered “Judaism and Christianity are treated as matters of believing, while Islam is treated as a matter of fact. In the glossary of World History: Continuity and Change, the Ten Commandments are described as ‘Moral laws Moses claimed to have received from the Hebrew God Yahweh on Mount Sinai.’ But the same glossary states as fact the Quran is a ‘Holy Book of Islam containing revelations received by Muhammad from God.’”

The list of textbooks studied is available at


Imperishable Remnants

There was never a time when all of Israel rebelled against God. A remnant has always been faithful. Today twin remnants form a marvelous union of grace.

That ‘Chunk of Dirt’ They Call Home

Does God really care where the Jewish people live? Why don’t they simply move their homeland to somewhere less controversial? Yes, God cares. And here’s why.

Facing the Goliath of the Liberal Media Part Two

The news media has called Christians everything from demented to stupid to downright evil. If you aren’t aware of what’s happening, it’s time to read this and smell the slander.

HAMAS: The Haters of Israel

Where did this terrorist organization come from and what is its agenda? Here’s the information you won’t get on the evening news.

The Trouble with Preterism

Has all prophecy been fulfilled? Preterists say yes, God has done it all. Such skewed theology is not only bad for Israel, it’s bad for the church as well.

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