From the Editor Mar/Apr 2025
My daughter, cute and kind with characteristic 3-year-old excitement, often asks me, “Is it time yet?” Whether she’s waiting to go to the park or...
Requirements for Retirement
Is there more to retirement for a Christian than rest and relaxation? I’m a product of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry...
The Ultimate Passover Lamb
When Jesus entered Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey shortly before His crucifixion, more was transpiring than met the eye...
The Authority of God’s Kingdom
How close did Israel come to seeing a Davidic Kingdom on Earth again? So close, and yet, so far...
The God-Man’s Symphony
Like a composer conducting a score he wrote himself, Jesus orchestrated all the events of His death. It has been said...
To Calvary and Beyond
he resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of the Christian faith. Jesus told His disciples He would be killed, as prophesied in Scripture...