Judaism 2.0

The dispersion not only scattered the Jewish people, but it changed the face of Judaism as well. On a radio call-in show some years ago, a listener asserted the world “would be better off without Jews.” Another listener called in to respond, and his reply is worth repeating. He basically said, “If you ever develop heart disease, don’t use digitalis because it was discovered by a Jew.

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4 thoughts on “Judaism 2.0

  1. What a wonderful article–full of insights based on facts. I’m 73, goyim, and ever since I was about 15 I felt like I should have been born Jewish, like I missed out somehow. Now I’m a branch grafted into the main vine and that will always be good “enough.”

  2. Wow, this was very fascinating and a great launching pad to further studies about the diaspora… Have you done research on the false teaching of British Israelism which says that Ephraim is Britain and Menasseh is America? I have been doing some research because it is being taught on a local radio station and I would like to see biblical proof against it… so far I have not except for many obvious statements in the Bible about those two tribes… and unfortunately what one gets from a google search is mostly a pro stance by the Armstrongism and break-away groups… I’m really enjoying “Israel My Glory” as a further source for my continuing study of our biblical roots. Thank you and bless you… Shalom.

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