My Threescore and Ten

As I approach my 70th birthday, I remember Moses’ instruction: “teach us to number our days.” Birthdays, like mile markers, disclose the distance traveled but not the distance remaining on our lives’ journeys. I recently passed mile marker 69 on my way (hopefully) to 70. That fact caused me to pause and think about my life and my God. I realize this upcoming mile marker is my “threes

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7 thoughts on “My Threescore and Ten

  1. I have just finished writing “My Seven Chapters” as Steve Herzog has challenged- (IMG, May/June 2022). I ,too, just passed my 69th birthday and will be approaching my three score and seven. My seventh chapter was from Genesis 48. Israel (Jacob) is blessing Joseph’s 2 sons (Hebrews 11:21). From Genesis 48:15,16: The scene is reminiscent of Jacob stealing the blessing from Esau: “And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, the Angel which redeemed me from all evil…”. The word used for “fed ” is a Hebrew word for “shepherding” also spoken by Israel in Genesis 37:13, one of the last words that Joseph heard from his father, before he was sold into slavery in Egypt. In Genesis 48, Jacob is reflecting on his life, that was less than stellar, like mine, and is able to see that God “shepherded” him his whole life long. “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God;” Psalm 148:5

  2. So I have read and know that God requires an accounting of what we have done while in the flesh. When we die from this life we will stand before Christ and give that account to him. What type of thing will happen to me when I am called before Christ at my death? For some reason, I am frightened to think that tho I’m saved I certainly have not lived up to what God would expect of me. Should I be afraid to stand before Christ and what can I expect him to say to me? For some reason, this issued bothers me, and rightfully so since as Paul once wrote I’m the chief of sinners and I would be in second place behind him. One thing I do not want to hear is depart from me you worker of iniquity I never knew you. Am I faced with that since as I have stated I have not lived a very rightous life since being saved back in 1985 and have a besetting sin that gets me every day?

    1. Since you have stated so well that you are troubled about your sins, should be a great indication of your heart. If you have been truly (a possessor not a professor) saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, then your sins are forgiven before God. No matter what sin. Mind you, your sin will have consequences, sometimes severe depending on what sin you have committed. If the Lord is chastening you, take comfort that ye are a son. To be truly saved by the Lamb, the Holy Spirit will convict our hearts of what we do and to know we must give an account of our works, not sin, should embolden us to live a more righteous and holy life before God. If it wasn’t for the Lord Jesus Christ, we would be most miserable indeed. Besetting sins get me everyday, but we must confess those sins before God and work on that sin which gets us into trouble. He will always provide a way out. The more we are open to the bidding of the Holy Spirit (who convicts our hearts) the more we grow as Christians. We cannot, understand that we cannot, do this by ourselves. We need the Lord in all aspects of our lives.

    2. WOW! I thought that I stood alone in this category of beseting sin,my conscience is wracking with guilt when I confess to God and most times I believe that HE’S fed up with me

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