New Survey Shows Extent of Worldwide Anti-Semitism

The results of the most comprehensive survey ever taken on global anti-Semitic attitudes were released recently by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and they have broad implications for world Jewry. They also show what Christians might expect in the accelerating war on Bible believers. Conducted in 102 countries and territories, the survey found one in four people—a full 26 percent of respond

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From the Editor Jul/Aug 2014

I am not a Facebook fan. One of my daughters has tried to get me on it, luring me with pictures of my grandchildren. And in a moment of weakness several years ago, I allowed...

High-Tech Religion or the Real Thing?

Watching the student riot “celebration” following the University of Connecticut NCAA basketball championship win in April was disturbing, to say the least. Seeing students...

The Rapture: Who Is Left Behind?

A completely different world is coming—one that, for a time, will not contain a single, genuine, Bible-believing Christian. The event that removes them is called the Rapture...

Dark Innovation: The Role of Technology in Revelation 13

Imagine a world of the future. It is a desperate world where human beings are controlled by a single, tyrannical power. If we look behind the curtain to see what energizes...

Privacy in a Facebook World

Stories involving expanding government surveillance, increased law enforcement powers, and the bugging and tracking of American citizens have started appearing regularly...

Is One-World Currency Only a Click Away?

For many people today, online shopping is the way to go. You don’t have to fight traffic on the roads or wait in long lines. There are no crowded aisles, and the store never...

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