News from Israel

The situation over here is difficult as usual, and it seems to become more complex by the hour. What appears to be peace with Egypt can easily turn into a real nightmare within hours. Some sources here are predicting a short life for the peace treaty and suggest that Sadat is simply using the treaty as a means to gain back the land lost by making war on Israel. A neighbor, in more than humor, tells me that he is scheduled to go to Egypt in a few weeks, but that there is a better chance of going into the army.

The question of the Sam 6 and 7 Missiles in southern Lebanon is a decided threat to Israel, and it might produce a war directly with Syria unless they are pulled back. Perhaps the peace will continue for a time, but the Scripture surely tells us not to expect lasting peace until the Prince of Peace returns.

Inflation is nearly 100 percent now, and the expectation for this year is that it will continue at that level. A crisis in the economy is just around the corner, as things cannot continue at this rate. Exchange rates between the dollar and the pound in 1975 were 6/1, and now it is more than 24/1 in 1979. When you think that American currency is dropping at a rate of more than 5 percent a year, this makes the Israeli loss even greater than apparent from the exchange rate.

Internal strife from unions and quarrels between political parties as they jockey for position are also disquieting factors in this land. The individual here has a hard time in assessing the future, and many are uncertain of what it will be. Nothing seems to be fixed anymore, and this all contributes to doubts about the future.

There is also the threat of 15 armored divisions on the eastern borders of Jordan, a few hours away from Israel. Iraq has already stocked these depots with all the needed Russian weapons. Saudi Arabia has constructed staging bases for fighters and ringed them with Hawk Missiles, all with the help of American aid. Currently, American technology is supplying a communications system for $280 million that will link Syria and Jordan and could conceivably be used to coordinate an attack on Israel. All these preparations are either ready or nearly ready. F-15 fighter air cover is still needed before they are ready, but perhaps the F-15’s in Iran will be available to complete the preparations. All this is well documented by excellent sources, and with shrinking borders this land will be more nervous than ever. One false report could produce now a most terrible result.

It was with a heavy heart that I spoke with a brother in Christ from Europe and discovered that his view of Israel includes a profound lack of understanding where modern Israel is concerned. His ideas were that Israel is not important in God’s plan today because of the sin in the past. He went so far as to try to convince us that Jesus was not a Jew. This man teaches in a seminary and is producing pastors that have the same bias that he suffers. I found myself wondering how many others there are like this that love the Lord and yet seem to dislike His people. We all know that they have sinful hearts, but we love them all the same. After all, we are sinners too! From the Arabs I can understand dislike for Israel, but when God’s people show a total lack of compassion for the Jew, it really hurts! Pray for this man, and pray that God will speak to him soon.

In view of what is happening here, we long for the day of Messiah and pray for the harvest. Pray that God will give us understanding and compassion and that we may be a rich blessing to the people of Israel.

May the Lord bless and keep you as you labor for Him, and may He give you an abundant harvest.


Antique fountain pen on parchment.

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