2 thoughts on “Nineveh’s Destruction”
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For thousands of years the world has produced people eager to destroy the nation of Israel. But the conflict is far greater than it appears.
The PLO holds every terrorist record on the books, and Arafat has violated every agreement he ever made with Israel. What kind of “peace” lies ahead?
Despite Israel’s unfaltering devotion to America, some feel Bush’s Road Map plan is selling Israel down the river.
Is the Road Map just another “college try”? Israelis think so. They also think Arafat still holds all the power.
Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey has an interesting slant on world events. As far as he’s concerned, World War III is over.
Dear Sir,
Thank you for an incredible synopsis. If I may ask one question, where might I find the information, “an apt metaphor because Assyrian chieftain Sennacherib compared himself and the rulers of Assyria to lions.” I just cannot seem to find this reference.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for a most informative article. It brought alive that piece of Biblical history for me as I am reading/studying Nahum. God bless!