7 thoughts on “Psalm 133: Our Unity”
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A few months ago, the husband of one of my dearest friends died of a heart attack while eating lunch. One minute he was alive; the next, he wasn’t. My friend told me the ambulance arrived...
Psalms 120 through 134 are referred to as the Songs of Ascents due to the superscription at the beginning of each psalm. The term ascent carries the notion of step or degree. The interpretation of...
Sung by ancient pilgrims making their way up to Jerusalem to observe the primary feasts of Israel, Psalm 120 is the first in a series known as the Psalms of Ascents. It begins with a...
Imagine a Jewish father singing to his children, “My help comes from the Lᴏʀᴅ, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber...
Psalm 122 is the third of the 15 pilgrim songs known in Hebrew as Psalms of Aliyah, meaning “going up.” Traveling to Jerusalem, especially for the three annual Jewish festivals...
According to an old saying, “You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” When it comes to Israel...
This is awesome!! May the good Lord give you more insights Servant of the most High God.
This was wonderful to read and it helped to express what I was feeling when I read this psalm. God is so amazing.
So Beautiful thank you.
This explanation is straightforward, cut to the chase , more biblically direct, unlike others I have read before, full of junk, excesses, leading the mind astray.
Powerful commentary thank you for the explanation.
Useful for me
Very helpful and insightful. Thank you . Blessings in Yeshua’s mighty Name.