Q: Did Jesus Claim to Be the Messiah?

Many people say Jesus was a great teacher, even a prophet, but that He never claimed to be the Messiah of Israel or the Son of God. The truth is Jesus claimed to be both. 1. A Samaritan woman said to Him, “‘I know that Messiah is coming’ (who is called Christ). ‘When He comes, He will tell us all things.’ Jesus said to her, ‘I who speak to you am He’” (Jn. 4:25–26). 2. Whe

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11 thoughts on “Q: Did Jesus Claim to Be the Messiah?

  1. For Jesus to be the Messiah he would need to be of the line of David.Since Mary was immaculately conceived,that remove that possibility because her father Joachim was of the Davidian line and her Mother Anne was a Levite.
    If Mary was of natural birth but but immaculate through her virginity then that would fill the prophesy perfectly.
    Is it possible that the Messiah and the son of God are two separate people.
    One a political figure,the other a divine figure embodied in human flesh?

  2. Yes, but how reliable are the Gospels? None were written by any eyewitnesses.
    We have no idea who wrote Matthew or Mark. We know Luke was a follower of Saul/Paul who, like Paul, had never seen or heard or traveled with Jesus. So all of Luke is clearly mere ‘hearsay’. Given that Matthew and Mark write about things they clearly were not eyewitnesses to, those two represent ‘anonymous hearsay’. John’s gospel was apparently written by a committee of his followers, not by John himself, and is thus also ‘hearsay’. So how do we know that Jesus ever actually claimed to be the messiah – or even claimed to be divine- or whether that’s just the story that Paul the Mythmaker created and used to market his new Hellenic Mystery Religion to his target audience of Greeks and Romans?

    1. Matthew was a disciple of Jesus and did follow Him. People such as Papias, Irenaeus, Pantaenus, and Origen all concur that Matthew is the writer of the book of Matthew.

      The early church seemed to also be unanimous that John Mark was the writer of Mark. Even Papias of Hierapoli held that John Mark was the author. John Mark isn’t a direct eyewitness walking with Jesus. However, he records an eyewitness of Jesus namely Simon Peter.

      These are external pieces of evidence for your consideration. It is not reasonable to consider these Gospels as being hearsay as you have claimed in your post.

    2. John was an APOSTLE of Jesus, one of the 12. And when the gospel was preached by Peter (1 & 2 Peter, an APOSTLE), Paul (an APOSTLE because Jesus spoke with him after knocking him off of his donkey and blinding him, and penned most of the NT), James (a half-brother of Jesus [Mary and Joseph were James’ parents]), and Jude (another
      half-brother to Jesus) hundreds of people who witnessed Jesus’ ministry and saw Jesus’ miracles were still alive to refute the preaching but no one did.

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