4 thoughts on “Q: What does Christ “coming in His Kingdom” mean…(Mt. 16:28)?”
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As I sat in church a few weeks ago, a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time turned around to tell me how cute my grandchildren are. My first thought was, How would you know what my grandchildren look like? They live 600 miles away. And then it dawned on me: Facebook!
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Facebook. YouTube. Instagram. Twitter. For most of us, these sites serve as entertaining outlets where we post pictures, share opinions, and watch videos of cats (so I’m told) or of a deer eating a snowman. (That one was viewed several hundred thousand times.) But for Israel, social-media platforms have become...
Every 83 seconds, someone uploads an anti-Semitic post to social media. In 2016 alone, more than 382,000 anti-Semitic posts appeared on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram1—many of which were never removed—denying the Holocaust; portraying the Jewish people as genetically inferior...
“Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom”. How can it be an event 6 days later when he says some of them will die prior to His coming in His kingdom? I struggle with that, it doesn’t seem honest to the text, please correct me if I am wrong. AD70 makes more sense given that Peter dies prior to that. Coming in the clouds is not literal, its Old Testament language for judgment, as God says many of times he comes on a cloud and judges a nation. Also AD70 is the vindication of the martyrs, all the righteous blood from the beginning would come upon that generation, the generation that lived at that time and it happened in AD70. How Jesus says he will come back again soon for salvation in Hebrews 9, he had to come back to finish the atonement and apply it for salvation just as the high priest had too in the Old Testament.
I agree with you. 70 AD, I believe that Yeshua entered into his Kingdom in Heaven. Our spiritual dwelling place when we leave earth.
Can you explain the dispensationalism believe in what you believe about it
thanks for defining the true meaning of this passage. You hear and read so many misleading works, I pray for deeper understanding of what has been fulfilled and related topics before I read and after to verify the truth.