Replacement Theology:
The Black Sheep of Christendom Part Three

Until the fourth century, Christianity was illegal in the Roman Empire. Although Replacement Theology had overtaken the church and metastasized into anti-Semitism, the church had no authority to do anything other than speak against the Jewish people. All that changed in AD 313, and the catalyst was a ruler named Constantine. Young Constantine, a member of Emperor Diocletian’s court, was prepa

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3 thoughts on “Replacement Theology:
The Black Sheep of Christendom Part Three

  1. I am a Christian, and I feel sorry for what Christians had done to the Jews.. however, I think if we read the Scripture to Leviticus 26 and Deut 28, we see how God forewarned His people, Israel/the Jews, of what He Himself would do to them if they rebelled against Him, including very severe persecutions everywhere on the face of the earth, even during their exile from their land. What happened to the Jews during the almost 2000 years of exile of their land very much reflected these things, the punishment promised by God.

    The book of Hebrews emphasizes that rejection of the Moses’ covenant results in a heavy punishment, but rejection of the New Covenant brought by the Son of God results in a way way way heavier punishment, and that is why the punishment for Israel was so long. I guess we cannot regret what had happened in view of this.. but now we see that the punishment is over or at least almost over, and this people has returned to their land. I think it is time for the LORD to bring them into the New Covenant.

    Just as the LORD punished the generation that refused to enter the promised land under Moses, but then brought their children into it after 40 years and the generation the refused all gone, so will the LORD bring the great great great great great great great grand children of Israel into the New Covenant, after the generation and many generations under them who refused the New Covenant bore the punishment and are all gone, after almost 2000 years. God will not accept a “No” and He does not give up!

    1. Throughout the Bible, when Jewish people rejected God’s instruction and were sent into exile as a punishment from God, He used evil, idolatrous, godless nations to carry that out. To lump the true Church into that category and say that we cannot really regret it because it’s the Jews fault is also antisemitism.

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