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Humanity is about to hit the skids. But God has a reason for everything. Here is a peek at His purpose and the glorious silver lining.
When the Lord Jesus opens the first seal, God’s final judgments will begin. And it will be the end of life on Earth as we know it.
The Tribulation tempest is filled with wrath. And it’s not God’s wrath alone.
The trumpet judgments will affect the entire world’s ecosystem: trees, water, and the very air we breathe.
The scene is God’s courtroom in heaven. The bowls are about to be poured out, bringing to full measure God’s wrath on sinful humanity.
I must say it’s very interesting learning about how the devil (Lucifer) has been quite a journey and it’s fascinating we know a bit of him and God and Jesus Christ. I’m curious if Lucifer has a plan to do what he desires , I’m sure he always thinks of something but God would know it all. Very interesting.
Jesus took me to Hell in a dream to show me what my enemies will be facing, what I saw I will never forget, a previous landlord was getting her face torn off, skin melted off others, like wax dripping, I saw people I haven’t met yet, whom I’m now dealing with, I felt the heat, so I’m not so sure it was just a dream. Jesus made me watch, it was worse than horrible.
Can you elaborate more on this vision of yours? What else did you see? And how bad did it feel? Did you see Satan himself? I’m so curious.
I have no knowledge about puishment of SATAN, but muslims say that satan after terrible puishment will be annihilated after day of judgement.
Jesus Christ of G~d must rule over Satan the devil until his punishment comes to an end.
Is satan’s punishment worse than what Jesus suffered and if it is does that make him harder?
Thank you for your wonderful teaching. You have blessed me so much. Just one question—was Lucifer in his original state known as the protector of God’s glory? Thanks for your clarification.