Spawning a Genderless Wasteland

The June 26, 2015, U.S. Supreme Court Decision mandating all 50 states recognize same-sex marriage as a legal right marked a turning point for America.

The decision is another in a growing list of triumphs for radical minorities determined to deface America while paving the nation’s path to destruction.

Central to the “New World Order” fantasy is the bizarre notion that people are no longer born male or female and that everyone has the right to determine his or her own gender. That the stranger-than-fiction phenomenon is lauded as “courageous” and respectable is significant evidence a revolution is taking place on many fronts.

A central goal of the uncompromising militants is the destruction of the family. Gay marriage is paramount to dismantling the fundamental family unit that has been the bulwark of this nation since the country began.

Familial fragmentation is, in fact, taking its toll. Our cities teem with fatherless children who lack proper role models, guidance, and (in the majority of cases) homes that provide security and the essentials for a stable childhood and productive future. Not far behind is a generation inculcated with educational and social ideologies largely instilled by influences outside the home, many of which are hostile to traditional norms.

I have commented many times about the relentless war against Christianity being waged in our once Judeo/Christian-oriented country. Through legal proclamations, social discrimination, and militant minority agitation, the antagonists are winning. They believe we are now in a post-Christian era.

Furthermore, if we have learned anything from history, we should know there is an undeniable element of progression in an agenda-driven program for change. One victory or a succession of small triumphs is never enough; the objective is total conquest.

So we must conclude that the architects of America’s demise believe we have entered the final phase of the conflict: the destruction of the system and symbols related to the nation’s existence.

The politically correct establishment considers its opposition unprincipled bigots, racists, oppressors, and militaristic suppressors of the innocent and has declared all-out war on everything American—from the Founding Fathers to their monuments to places named after them. Even the American flag—which has stood as a sentinel of all America has represented, as a beacon of hope to masses of beleaguered, scorned, persecuted, and disenfranchised people the world over for more than 200 years—is being attacked.

Ironically, the majority of Americans do not support the irrational change sweeping the nation. Yet where is the outcry? The response to the shredding of our liberties is tepid at best.

Rod Dreher, senior editor of The American Conservative, noted, “A lot of Christians think of this as simply a matter of law and politics. It’s not. We have lost the culture. We conservatives, we Christians, did not compete at the cultural level, so culture comes first. Politics and law follows [sic] that.”

Furthermore, Dreher contended, “Orthodox Christians must understand that things are going to get much more diffi  cult for us. We are going to have to learn to live as exiles in our own country.”

Can this dour assessment of life in our beloved republic be reversed?

The short answer is yes. But the cure requires a speedy turn away from complacency and acquiescing to cultural and political bullies. It is a huge mistake to underestimate the resilience of the American people in general and committed Christians in particular during times of severe testing.

Our available assets include these:

  • The ballot box: Evangelical Christians who opt out of national elections cast a vote for exactly what they profess not to want.
  • The pulpit: Freedom of religion is still a fact of life in this country. Standing up and telling it like it is, pleasant or not, is the mandate for ministers. They must speak to their people as the prophets did, articulating the problems and the remedies, rather than caving in to the culture.
  • A return to God and the Book: Conceding to evil has never worked. Repentance, revival, and restoring God to His rightful place in our lives by displaying a vibrant faith before a lost generation can turn the tide.

One will often see stickers on rear windows of vehicles in church parking lots bearing the inscription Not I, but Christ. When that phrase becomes more than an emblem, perhaps things will begin to move in the right direction.

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