5 thoughts on “The Call of the Shofar”
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I have been woken out of my sleep to the sound of the horns. I heard the horn blow a few times, one after the other. This has happened more than once. What could it mean?
Can anyone blow the horn? A Baptist member, is that a okay?
Of course you can, as long as you know and learn the proper use of it, how it sounds like it. By using the Numbers 10:5–8, as is the second type, teruah, which consists of nine staccato blasts. Shevarim is three short blasts. One long, sustained sound is called tekiah gedolah, or the great tekiah. On Rosh Hashanah, the sounds are called out in a particular order: Tekiah—shevarim—teruah—tekiah—tekiah—shevarim—tekiah—tekiah—teruah—tekiah gedolah.
Youtube it so you learn.
God called me to blow the ram’s horn (shofar) in Kenya. I just got back. From 5 weeks going across that nation from Nairobi to Lodwar. It was an incredible experience. Thank you for your article. I will be posting photos next week. It was overwhelmingly received everywhere I went.
I am not Jewish…I am grafted in.