The Character and Career of the Antichrist Daniel 11:36-45

Recently a spate of books have been speculating on various end-time scenarios involving the person of the future Antichrist and what is referred to as the Tribulation period. While these scenarios are somewhat similar, many variations still exist concerning the rise and demise of this final end-time ruler. Writing 2500 years ago, Daniel supplied a brief sketch of the character and career of this k

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11 thoughts on “The Character and Career of the Antichrist Daniel 11:36-45

  1. Pastors that are “Brutish”, (as the Bible calls them), have no love for anything. They only love Money, Fame/Popularity. & Comfort. Their eyes are on their wallets. Thus, these Pastors preach against ‘The Poor’ with no regard. They believe they are rewarded with richness for their FAITHFUL SERVICE FOR GOD. THAT is why they cloak their avarice & brunt of sick humorous quips in the pulpit, etc.
    The reason the Godly man ignores him is simple. Jesus Christ leads him. He is wearing his armour of God.

  2. I went to a pentecostal outing a while back, the preacher was glorifying himself, while mocking a poor man that does all he can to help people in & out of his community with what little he has, this poor man is like a lot of us who have been enslaved to greedy landlords & greedy corporations that constantly burden us with bills & have no shame for the suffering they cause us, I noticed the pastors body light up, it wasn’t like a divine light, it was more like the light you see on a TV or cellphone, the poor man that was being mocked took the insults & said nothing, there was a demonically oppressed woman there that night & she started going into a frantic episode & took off running, the poor man went after her to make sure she was alright, he took her back to his car then him & his wife drove her away, the preacher continued his mocking after they was gone, I also noticed the poor man had a greater light that looked nothing like electric light, it was more like sunlight, 7 different colors & bright, I’ve never seen anything like it, I am wondering if the preacher might be Satan appearing as an angel of light using electricity, he is arrogant & a braggart, his sermons consist of him bragging about his finances & crying about himself as if he is a victim, the weird thing is he was mocking the poor man & insulting him in subtle ways & even though the poor man had such a radiant light coming from him he didn’t say anything or stand up for himself, he took the beating & didn’t get up & leave until the woman that was facing a demonic attack took off in hysteria, I am not sure why the man took the insults & didn’t show anger or rebuke the preacher he clearly would have had him beat in a spiritual sense & physically I could tell he would have tore him apart in physical battle, I am just confused about the whole situation, the preachers name was Jacob Foote, I’m not sure if the poor man’s name.

  3. Re jump in time. Remind us what time is like between man and God. One day like a thousand years.
    Also please explain the difference between 70 weeks and 62 weeks in prophecy.
    I am also curious if you believe the rise of AI and robots are a sign of the beast that will be able to think.
    Do you see parallels between Antichrist and the Shia Mahdi? I do.
    There must be a controlling religion that matches the one world government and Islam is it.
    You might also look at the upcoming Russia/Iran vs Ukraine war as prophecy come true. Iran has a mutual defense treaty with Iran going back over 100 years.

  4. The book of Daniel was written to the Jewish people as we can see in the 9th chapter verse 24. In Israel, it was the hope of every married woman that she would deliver the One who would be Messiah for the nation. Hence, the “one beloved by women” is indeed a reference to the Messiah. The antichrist has no desire to worship the god of his fathers nor especially the one true living God. When he is indwelt by satan at the mid-point of the Tribulation it is satan’s desire to be exalted and worshiped as the sovereign God.

    1. To Mongoose: I just came across your reply. Are you a believer in the Bible, seeking understanding? Or was your addressing point- one of unbelief?

      I ask because believing the scriptures, you referred to “jumping”. Chronologically, we are looking at 2700 years, since it was written. But that’s nothing in God’s wisdom or timetable. But this seperation is not only a prophecy of what would come to pass, but also it incorporates the law of double reference. What came to pass in ancient warfare, plus what would happen again, in the last days, with the last days and the Antichrist’s temporal reign before his destruction. Ecclesiastes 1:9-10; 3:15.

  5. The desire you speak of is the natural desire between man and woman. Satan comes to steal kill and destroy. Satan doesn’t choose destruction till a person is fully condemned thus becoming unsalvagable. In creating emnity between men and women he will destroy the family hence the name familiar spirit.

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