The Coming World Prophet Revelation 13:11–18

Jesus predicted that many false Christs and prophets would appear in the last days. The two beasts mentioned in Revelation 13 are the final unveiling of Jesus’ prophecy that will take place during the Great Tribulation. The first beast is the world political ruler popularly identified as the Antichrist (13:1–10). The second beast is a religious leader identified as the false prophet (16:13; 19

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3 thoughts on “The Coming World Prophet Revelation 13:11–18

  1. The second beast is said to have two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon and it performs signs and wonders on the behalf of the first beast which was wounded and did live. It represents the form of the power, or government, represented by protestantism. And republicanism and the only nation fitting the description in revelation chapter 13;11 is the apostate protestantism.

  2. The beast from the sea having ten horns and seven heads and upon his horns were ten crowns and the dragon gave him his power,his seat and great authority. He was like unto a leopard and his mouth like a lion and his feet like a bear and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death.and his wound healed and the whole world wandered after the beast. Historical events. The sea represent multitudes of people, tongue and nations. Revelation 17:1-4 the waters upon which the woman sits. Next horns symbolize political systems or government or kingdom. Revelation 17:5 the ten horns are ten kings. The dragon in the primary of the prophecy represent pagan Rome, it is the kingdom represented by, the ten horns. and then the ten crowns represent the religious form of the Roman empire. In short it is Papal Rome which is the Ecclesiastical power. It had names of blasphemy upon it’s seven heads. It claims to possess the authority of God almighty thus the only system that fits the bill is no other the Church of Rome. It emerged among the ten toes of the great image in Daniel 2 and in Daniel 7:25 it is described as the little horn power which ruled for 42months or 1260 yrs. 538 A.D to 1798A.D then it went into captivity at the end of the 126o yrs In 1798 the PAPACY received multiple wounds on two fronts first being the protestant reformation was the first that inflicted it and second the development and growth of the French revolution in 1790 up to 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte sent general Beneither and he marched into Rome and Vatican city and captured poor Pius vi who later died in exile thus it can be said that the beast ( PAPACY ) was wounded or received a deadly wound. The papacy later began recovery when Rome summoned new forces to counter the reformation in the name of the order of the society of Jesus Christ known as the Jesuits order.

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