10 thoughts on “The Four Cups”
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Of all the Passovers that have ever been celebrated, only one was the actual Passover. It took place more than 34 centuries ago when the God of...
As we sat around the Passover table, my host took us back in time to the days when his grandfather conducted wonderful seders that would last for...
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Preparations for the evening were ready. When the hour had come, Jesus and His disciples went to an upper room, where they reclined around a low...
Thank you for sharing your experience . I am from Pakistan and have a thirst of getting knowledge about the Jews religious rituals.
Jesus actually did drink the 4th cup of wine when they soaked a sponge on a sprig of hyssop (which was traditionally the branch used to spread the blood of the lamb over the doorpost to avoid the 10th plague), and gave it to Jesus on the cross. After he drank the wine on the cross, he said “it is finished”. He was speaking of “finishing” the passover meal, completing the sacrifice, and establishing his kingdom. Thus the sacrifice of the cross completes the Last Supper, the passover meal.
Thanks for sharing. Appreciate it very much! ✝️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Very Interesting perspective. Knowing Jewish traditions enlightens Christians as to the meanings of many of our beliefs. It seems important to listen to these great treasures in the Old Testament. I am in constant dialogue with an ultra-Orthodox Jewish friend. I always ask him what he thinks and it is amazing what his answers are. Thanks for posting this. It was very interesting. Be Blessed
I have been researching about the “Passover” in preparation for teaching. I have attended one Seder but was not impressed, I think the delivery took away from what we read. I have enjoyed learning about what each cup means and I truly will see the Lord’s Supper differently from this day forward.
Thank you for sharing this information.
Scott Hahns research and you tube talks say the 3rd cup is the cup of consecration, with the 4th cup is tasted on the cross..
It is important to know the Jewish roots of Christian faith for effective witnessing.
Thanks for the article. I havn’t given important to this thoughts before.
Beautiful insight. Thank you.
“Reach for the Elements”
My new book!
I enjoyed this study very much!
This is just beautiful! Our church has our bi-annual communion on this coming Sunday, Sept.8, 2019. I’ve often wondered the accurate meanings of these four cups, and thank you for the information. I have it written in detail in the margin of my Bible.
Thank you!!