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Humanity is about to hit the skids. But God has a reason for everything. Here is a peek at His purpose and the glorious silver lining.
When the Lord Jesus opens the first seal, God’s final judgments will begin. And it will be the end of life on Earth as we know it.
The Tribulation tempest is filled with wrath. And it’s not God’s wrath alone.
The trumpet judgments will affect the entire world’s ecosystem: trees, water, and the very air we breathe.
The scene is God’s courtroom in heaven. The bowls are about to be poured out, bringing to full measure God’s wrath on sinful humanity.
Doesn’t the key of David = Mercy?
When He opens His mercy no one can shut and when He closes His mercy no one can open.
He opened His mercy to the 5 wise virgins for they kept oil and beat their chests like the tax collector but the 5 foolish virgins forgot their oil and prided themselves like the pharisee and the door was shut upon them because He closed His mercy to them.
A door standing open in heaven unlocked by the key of mercy.