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Isaiah gives us a picture of the rapture of the church being pre-tribulation:
“Come, my people, enter your chambers and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the Lord’s wrath is past. For behold, the Lord is coming out of heaven to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth also will disclose the blood shed upon her and will no longer cover her slain and conceal her guilt.”
Isaiah 26:20-21 AMPC
Dwight, we do not know that tribulation saints are included as guests. The guest list is not revealed. We can only surmise.
Robert the pretribulation rapture fits because Christ comes to take His bride the Church up to His Father’s house as is the Jewish wedding custom. So,during the tribulation we, the church, are in His Father’s house. Then Rev ch 19 says that the Wedding Supper of the Lamb has come. That is in heaven where the bride and groom are. He promised to take us to Himself-where He was going-to heaven. The Lord doesn’t descend from heaven on a white horse until after that. Please continue reading ch 19. This is before the 1000 yr reign. So, after the rapture, during the 7 years/70 week, up in heaven the bride church has supper with her groom Jesus.
Right, it doesn’t, the church is raptured after the church age in Revelation chapter 3. The church will be rejoicing in heaven with the angels around the throne of God in chapter 4. No mention of the church in chapter 6 through 18.
Please Help….The bride has made herself ready, the time of the marriage of the Lamb has come and Blessed are they who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb …. all these events happen in chaper 19 of Revelation … after the wrath of God and tribulation in the previous chapters … please explain how the pretribulation rapture fits here….bob
Because the invited guests include Tribulation survivors the wedding supper must take place on earth since nothing unclean can enter into heaven at that time. The surviving Jewish and Gentile saints still have their sin natures intact. There’s not much I would ever disagree on with Dr. Showers but this is one of those occasions