The Messiah’s Reign

At times I become perplexed with the words of a favorite Christmas carol. They make me wonder what the author really intended. No more let sins and sorrows grow, Nor thorns infest the ground; He comes to make His blessings flow far as the curse is found. He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, and wonders of His love. In this

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8 thoughts on “The Messiah’s Reign

    1. no we cannot say that. scriptures are clear that Jesus’ rule must include the saints taking over worldly kingdoms at the same time as the resurrection occurs.

  1. The events of Rev 20 & 21 are in chronological order. Christ reigns with the martyrs only. They are the first resurrection, 1 Cor 15:23 and Rev 20:4-6. THIS earth doesn’t flee away until after the 1,000 years are finished, Rev 20:7 & 11. And the wheat are the flesh and blood people who are alive and remaining at the end of His kingdom and end of the world, Matt 13:38-39. The dead rise, Death is cast into the fire, and the wheat will be raptured up to the kingdom of God “who brings the dead in Jesus”, 1 Thess 4:14.

    1. You said that Christ reigns with the Martyrs only. That is incorrect. All dead Saints must be resurrected the same time, whether they were Martyrs or not. It is the same Resurrection and all who are resurrected will be in that rule.

    1. yes I agree it is a very sound (but incomplete) explanation of the fate of Israel. .. but please allow me to challenge you and Bro. Krewsom into further Truth.

      please read Eze 37 again with an open mind and you will see what God has hiding in plain sight that a future resurrection of Dead Hopeless Israel MUST occur. but the only time this can happen is AFTER the 1000 years …

      here is a theology that shatters the present doctrine that there is No Future Salvation for the Dead masses of humanity nor dead Israel. I’m willing to show you all the evidence you overlooked. remember Jonah? learn a lesson from the book. God bless your studies.

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