The New Jerusalem

Revelation 21:9—22:5 To most people, the thought of home brings a feeling of warmth and comfort, a sense of security. It is a place where one can shut out the cares of this world and find a refuge for the soul during the pilgrimage through life. For Christians, however, this world is not our home; our citizenship is in the heavenly Jerusalem. Although we are not home yet, our gaze is firmly f

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6 thoughts on “The New Jerusalem

  1. There’s confusion of “replacement-theology” in some of this article and comments listed here ☝️
    Please consider this explanation for clarification about who will be in New Jerusalem :
    The word “church” is derived a Scandinavian root-word which translates to “power-circle, circus” and is unlike the true biblical, original Greek word, “Ecclesia,” which means “called out, governing authority”
    So the “called out” did not begin with Acts 2 or 9 (the “church”) – the “called out” began with the father of the faith of ABBA’s “chosen people,” Jew & Gentile, One in Messiah, and that father’s name is Abraham☝️
    The wife/bride of Messiah is not exclusive to any one denomination – ALL the redeemed of all ages will live in the Holy City!
    Remember the saved Gentiles, the grafted-in wild branches, are and were called to be of the same one family and household as the Jews (Eph.2:11-22)

    1. Amen! To all you said. The very reason religious Pharisees could not accept Jesus was they would not accept the conditions of the new covenant in His Blood.
      Behold! The Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world!” He was and is a propitiation for all our sins.
      He was the pure spotless Lamb of God , prepared for the slaughter to atone for the sins of all mankind. His perfect life, shed blood, death burial.and resurrection
      Made perfect atonement and It pleased The Father to bruise him, and by His stripes we are healed. The thing that was unclean has now been proclaimed clean in God’ s eyes!!!! If the thing that was made will believe and turn to God , through His chosen vessel of Atonement The Holy Lamb of God Messiah! And be Born again of His Spirit. They are now called children of God by which we cry “Abba Father!!! What was far off , has now been brought near. The devil has been busy since the Church in Jerusalem’ s at it’ s inception to cause division amongst Jew first and then Gentiles. I sometimes wonder what sort of wonderful things we would have accomplished with our born again Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ had not we been seperated by confusion and traditions of men and sin, the world and the devil? Alas.. But God knows all things and nothing is hidden from His eyes. I am sure that His desire was that Jew and Gentiles would worship togethor celebrating the manifold things of God lighting up this dark world in Spirit and in Truth. Sadly that has not happened in these 2 millenia..But God!! And by God!, He will have this accomplished .
      Thy will be done Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

  2. The New Jerusalem consisting of believing Israel and the church TOGETHER continues into the eternal condition – that is what Rev 21.1 tells us.

  3. Does everyone who has ever believed in God for their salvation (OT), or in Jesus Christ (NT), or who came to faith during the Tribulation, live in the New Jerusalem? (i.e., all believers)

    Or is it only for believers from the Church Age?

    1. It’s the residence of the bride, which is only made up of believers saved during the church age. The resurrected Old Testament saints may visit there but they won’t reside there. The patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, were given the land covenant so they will reside on earth in Israel but New Jerusalem isn;t on earth; it hovers above earth over Israel. Jesus will reside with His bride in New Jerusalem but He will rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem. In Revelation 21:2, 7, notice John described the city coming down but nowhere does he describe it having lit on earth. Look at the dimensions of the city; based on 1400 miles long x 1400 miles wide x 1400 miles high, the city encompasses 2, 744,000,000 square miles. Yes, that’s 2 BILLION 744 million square miles. Israel is approximately the size of New Jersey. Even when it occupies the entire territory which God deeded to it Neww Jerusalem would dwarf the nation. In terms of the United States, if New Jerusalem were placed on the map, its north/south borders would extend from Maine to Florida, from east/west it would extend from North Carolina to Colorado. New Jerusalem simply wouldn’t fit in the state of Israel.

      1. This is some serious personal inference. Dispensationalism is only less than 200 years old dating back to John Darby and the Plymouth brethren. Don’t try force man’s doctrines into the Holy set apart Scriptures.

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